请在 ns2 源文件中的哪里修改以实现此拥塞控制算法以及如何修改?

Please Where do I modify in ns2 source files to implement this congestion control algorithm and how?


我想找出我需要在 ns2 源代码中调整的地方,以实现下面的 TCP 算法。它是 TCP AIMD 算法的变体,称为 TCP - BIAD

            if (ACK recieved)
              call routine function ()
               if congestion window <= slow start threshold
                  increment congestion window by 1
                set Minimum window = congestion window
                set target window = Average of max. Window and min. window
                 if(dist. btw current window & target window > max.increment)
                  set S to maximum increment
            else if (distance between current window and target window <=1)
                  set S to 1
                set S to distance between current window and target window
            end if 
            congestion window = congestion window + S/congestion window
           end if 
          end if 

              Algorithm after a single packet is Lost

    if ( three DUPACKs are recieved)
        Maximum window = Congestion Window
        slowstart threshold = max (2, B x Minimum Roundtriptime)/ Pipe Size of bottleneck link during congestion
        congestion window = slow start threshold
    end if



我想您可以将您的代码与 ns-2.30

的旧 "tcp congestion" 文件进行比较



congestion_ns230.patch https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7S255p3kFXNcTJ4SU81N0ctYk0/view?usp=sharing

congestion_ns235.patch https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7S255p3kFXNcW0yY1VOZHhvRUU/view?usp=sharing