C# 确定子元素之一是否在 XElement 中具有特定值

C# determine if one of child elements has specific value in XElement



我如何编写一个 lambda 表达式来查找 MyRoot 的子项之一的值是否为 1?


使用 XDocument class 和一些 linq 是非常简单的:

string xml=@"<MyRoot>

     XDocument Doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
     var nodes = from response in Doc.Descendants()
                 where response.Value == "1" 
                 select new {Name = response.Name, Value = response.Value };

    foreach(var node in nodes)
          Console.WriteLine(node.Name + ":  " + node.Value);

See the working DEMO Fiddle as example

使用 lambda:

var nodes = Doc.Descendants().Where(x=> x.Value == "1")
                           .Select(x=> {Name = x.Name, Value = x.Value });


foreach(var node in nodes)
      Console.WriteLine(node.Name + ":  " + node.Value);

对于 VB 想要答案的人

    Dim xe As XElement
    'xe = XElement.Load("URI here")

    'for testing use literals
    xe = <MyRoot>

    'any child = 1
    Dim ie As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = From el In xe.Elements Where el.Value = "1" Select el

    'check c4 for 1
    ie = From el In xe.<c4> Where el.Value = "1" Select el
    If xe.<c4>.Value = "1" Then
    End If
string x = @"<MyRoot>
XElement xml = XElement.Parse(x);
bool has_one = xml.Elements().Any(z => z.Value == "1");