如何在不跳过的情况下从 Javascript 页面获取多个文件上传到服务器?

How can I get multiple files to upload to the server from a Javascript page without skipping?

我正在进行一项研究实验,该实验使用 recorder.js 中实现的 getUserMedia 来记录来自用户麦克风的 .wav 文件,并使用 XMLHttpRequest 将它们上传到服务器。每个文件长约3秒,共有36个文件。文件一个接一个录制,一录制就发送到服务器。

我遇到的问题是并非所有文件最终都在服务器上。显然脚本或 php 脚本无法连续处理所有请求。我怎样才能确保我得到所有的文件?这些都是重要的研究资料,所以我需要每一个记录。

这是将文件发送到服务器的代码。音频数据是一个 blob:

var filename = subjectID + item__number;    
xhr.onload=function(e) {
    if(this.readyState === 4) {
    console.log("Server returned: ",e.target.responseText);
var fd=new FormData();
fd.append("audio_data",blob, filename);

这是服务器端的 php 文件:

$input = $_FILES['audio_data']['tmp_name'];
$output = "audio/".$_FILES['audio_data']['name'].".wav";
move_uploaded_file($input, $output)

这种做法基本是从这个网站抄来的: Using Recorder.js to capture WAV audio in HTML5 and upload it to your server or download locally


让 XMLHttpRequest 等待
   while (xhr.readyState != 4) 
     console.log("Waiting for server...")


使用 ajax 会比使用 XMLHttp 请求更好吗?我可以做些什么来确保所有文件都上传了吗?我是 Javascript 的新手,所以非常感谢代码示例。


该解决方案使用 API 的 Web Worker API to off load the file uploading to a sub-process. This is done with the Worker Interface。这种方法会起作用,因为没有主进程的单线程争用 - Web 工作者在自己的进程中工作。


  1. 创建一个新的工人传递一个脚本来执行
  2. 将消息传递给 worker 以供 worker 处理
  3. 将消息传回主进程以获得状态 updates/replies/resolved 数据 transformation/etc。


这是主要的 JavaScript 文件 (script.js)

// Create a sub process to handle the file uploads
///// STEP 1: create a worker and execute the worker.js file immediately
let worker = new Worker('worker.js');
// Ficticious upload count for demonstration
let uploadCount = 12;
// repeatedly build and send files every 700ms 
// This is repeated until uplaodCount == 0
let builder = setInterval(buildDetails, 700);

// Recieve message from the sub-process and pipe them to the view
///// STEP 2: listen for messages from the worker and do something with them
worker.onmessage = e => {
  let p = document.createElement('pre');
  // e.data represents the message data sent from the sub-process
  p.innerText = e.data;

 * Sort of a mock to build up your BLOB (fake here of-course)
 * Post the data needed for the FormData() to the worker to handle.
function buildDetails() {
  let filename = 'subject1234';
  let blob = new Blob(['1234']);
  ///// STEP 3: Send a message to the worker with file details
    name: "audio_data",
    blob: blob,
    filename: filename
  // Decrease the count
  // if count is zero (== false) stop the fake process
  if (!uploadCount) clearInterval(builder);


// IGNORE the 'fetch_mock.js' import that is only here to avoid having to stand up a server
// FormDataPolyFill.js is needed in browsers that don't yet support FormData() in workers
importScripts('FormDataPolyFill.js', 'fetch_mock.js');
// RXJS provides a full suite of asynchronous capabilities based around Reactive Programming (nothing to do with ReactJS);
// The need for your use case is that there are guarantees that the stream of inputs will all be processed

// We create a "Subject" that acts as a vessel for our files to upload
let forms = new rxjs.Subject();
// This says "every time the forms Subject is updated, run the postfile function and send the next item from the stream"

// Listen for messages from the main process and run doIt each time a message is recieved
onmessage = doIt;

 * Takes an event object containing the message
 * The message is presumably the file details
function doIt(e) {
  var fd = new FormData();
  // e.data represents our details object with three properties
  fd.append(e.data.name, e.data.blob, e.data.filename);
  // Now, place this FormData object into our stream of them so it can be processed
// Instead of using XHR, this uses the newer fetch() API based upon Promises
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
function postFile(fd) {
  // Post the file to the server (This is blocked in fetch_mock.js and doesn't go anywhere)
  fetch('fake', {
      method: 'post',
      body: fd,
    .then((fd) => {
      // After the XHR request is complete, 'Then' post a message back to the main thread (If there is a need);
      postMessage("sent: " + JSON.stringify(fd));

由于这不会 运行 在 Whosebug 中,我创建了一个 plunker 以便您可以 运行 这个例子: http://plnkr.co/edit/kFY6gcYq627PZOATXOnk

如果这一切看起来很复杂,那么您提出了一个需要解决的复杂问题。 :-)
