Youtube 如何自动播放其视频?

How does Youtube autoplay its videos?

随着最近对 html5 视频的更改,无法再自动播放视频 (HTML 5 Video "autoplay" not automatically starting in CHROME)

但是,使用 youtube api,您仍然可以使用自动播放参数嵌入他们的视频之一,它实际上会自动播放。

这怎么可能? Google 团队对 Chrome


Chrome 通过白名单自动播放 Youtube 视频。

对于 Chrome 的全新安装,Google 将包含一个包含 1000 个启用了自动播放的站点的白名单。列入白名单的站点基于 Google 看到 highest percentage of visitors play[ing] media with sound 的站点。在您浏览时,白名单会增长以匹配您的浏览历史记录。

可在此处找到更多信息:Improving Autoplay in Chrome

If you don’t have browsing history, Chrome allows autoplay for over 1,000 sites where we see that the highest percentage of visitors play media with sound. As you browse the web, that list changes as Chrome learns and enables autoplay on sites where you play media with sound during most of your visits, and disables it on sites where you don’t.