为什么循环 for stringstream 两次给我最后一个词

Why does loop for stringstream give me the last word twice

我试图在 stringstream 的帮助下逐字循环字符串,这是我的代码:

string str = "hello world";
stringstream ss(str);
string word;
while (ss)
    ss >> word;
    cout << word << endl;




  • while (ss) 看到 ss 还没有遇到问题,所以它运行循环体。 (这就是当您将 ss 用作布尔值时发生的情况)
  • ss >> word; 读取 "hello"
  • cout << word << endl; 打印 "hello"
  • while (ss)看到ss还没有遇到问题,所以再次运行循环体。
  • ss >> word; 读取 "world"
  • cout << word << endl; 打印 "world"
  • while (ss)看到ss还没有遇到问题,所以再次运行循环体。
  • ss >> word;看到没有更多的数据,所以失败。 word不变,仍然包含"world"
  • cout << word << endl; 打印 "world"
  • while (ss) 发现 ss 遇到问题并停止循环。


while (true)
    ss >> word;
    if (!ss)
    cout << word << endl;


while (ss >> word)
    cout << word << endl;


while (ss) { ... } 

您正在检查 string stream 的状态。如果它包含有效数据,循环将继续。这就是为什么您两次看到最后一个词的原因...

1st iteration of loop:

while ( ss ) {             // checks if there is valid data in ss and for errors (true)
    ss >> word;            // ss inserts "hello" into word.
    cout << word << endl;  // cout prints "hello" to the console.

2nd iteration of loop:

while ( ss ) {             // checks again if there is valid data (true)
    ss >> word;            // ss inserts "world" into word.
    cout << word << endl;  // cout prints "world" to the console.

3rd iteration of loop:

while ( ss ) {             // checks again if there is valid data (true)
    ss >> word;            // ss already contains "world", may optimize or copy over...
    cout << word << endl;  // cout prints "world" to the console.

4th iteration of loop:

while ( ss ) {             // ss encountered end of stream (false) exits loop.
    ss >> word;            // nothing inserted as loop has exited.
    cout << word << endl;  // nothing printed as loop has exited.

与其尝试将 stringstream 用作循环条件,不如尝试使用从 stringstream 中提取数据并将其转化为条件变量的过程。

while( ss >> word ) {
    cout << word << endl;

1st iteration of loop:

while ( ss >> word ) {       // checks if ss inserted data into word
                             // ss inserts "hello" (true)
    cout << word << endl;    // cout prints "hello" to the console.

2nd iteration of loop:

while ( ss >> word ) {      // checks again if ss inserted data into word
                            // ss inserts "world" into word (true)
    cout << word << endl;   // cout prints "world" to the console.

3rd iteration of loop:

while ( ss >> word ) {      // checks again if ss inserted data into word
                            // ss fails to insert data (false) loop exits here
    cout << word << endl;   // nothing printed as loop exited