
Red black tree deletion unknown behaviour

我给红黑树输入了几个数。 (41; 38; 31; 12; 19; 8)删除8和12(第一个截图)后,它进入了第二个截图的类型。我不明白为什么 31 变成红色。请帮我解决这个问题?如果可以,请提及与此相关的案例。 谢谢!


M = 0012,黑色节点去掉
C = 0012 以下的 NIL 叶子(NIL 总是被认为是黑色的)


The complex case is when both M and C are black. [...] We begin by replacing M with its child C. [...] We will relabel this child C (in its new position) N, and its sibling (its new parent's other child) S [...] we will also use P for N's new parent, SL for S's left child, and SR for S's right child

所以现在我们有删除之后,但之前 re-colouring:

P = 0019(红色)
N = 一片NIL叶子,0019
的左边child S = 0031,0019



Case 4: S and S's children are black, but P is red. In this case, we simply exchange the colors of S and P.


This does not affect the number of black nodes on paths going through S, but it does add one to the number of black nodes on paths going through N, making up for the deleted black node on those paths.

回想一下,在红黑树中必须保持这个不变量(property 5):

Every path from a given node to any of its descendant NIL nodes contains the same number of black nodes.

如果省略上述 colour-swap,将违反此不变量。