将 Paramiko AutoAddPolicy 与 pysftp 结合使用

Use Paramiko AutoAddPolicy with pysftp


def sftp_connection(self):
    import pysftp
    connection = pysftp.Connection(self.host, username=self.system_name,
                  private_key=os.path.join(HOME, '.ssh', 'id_rsa'))

    # in the next lines I try to use AutoAddPolicy
    client = connection.sftp_client()
    return connection


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/u/src/myapp-glo/myapp_doxis_archiv/tests/test_doxis_archiv.py", line 85, in test_beleg_to_archiv__ftpservercontext
    info_dict = beleg_to_archiv(beleg, self.archiv_belegart)
  File "/home/u/src/myapp-glo/myapp_doxis_archiv/beleg_to_archiv.py", line 28, in beleg_to_archiv
    transfer_log=send_data_via_ftp(temp_directory, archiv_belegart.doxis_archiv)
  File "/home/u/src/myapp-glo/myapp_doxis_archiv/beleg_to_archiv.py", line 71, in send_data_via_ftp
    with doxis_archiv.sftp_connection() as sftp:
  File "/home/u/src/myapp-glo/myapp_doxis_archiv/models.py", line 43, in sftp_connection
    private_key=os.path.join(HOME, '.ssh', 'id_rsa'))
  File "/home/u/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysftp/__init__.py", line 132, in __init__
    self._tconnect['hostkey'] = self._cnopts.get_hostkey(host)
  File "/home/u/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysftp/__init__.py", line 71, in get_hostkey
    raise SSHException("No hostkey for host %s found." % host)
SSHException: No hostkey for host localhost found.

我在尝试设置 host_key_policy 之前收到异常。

我找不到通过 pysftp 访问客户端实例的不同方法。

有没有办法在我得到异常之前设置 AutoAddPolicy


pysftp 不使用 SSHClient 的 Paramiko SSHClient class at all, it uses more low-level Transport class. So it does not have the MissingHostKeyPolicy 功能。



host = 'example.com'

# Loads .ssh/known_hosts    
cnopts = CnOpts()

hostkeys = None

if cnopts.hostkeys.lookup(host) == None:
    print("New host - will accept any host key")
    # Backup loaded .ssh/known_hosts file
    hostkeys = cnopts.hostkeys
    # And do not verify host key of the new host
    cnopts.hostkeys = None

with Connection(host, username=user, private_key=pkey, cnopts=cnopts) as sftp:
    if hostkeys != None:
        print("Connected to new host, caching its hostkey")
            host, sftp.remote_server_key.get_name(), sftp.remote_server_key)

我已经在 pysftp github fork 中实现了 auto_add_key

auto_add_key 将把密钥添加到 known_hosts 如果 auto_add_key=True
一旦 known_hosts 中的主机存在密钥,将检查此密钥。

请参考 Martin Prikryl -> answer 安全问题。

Though for an absolute security, you should not retrieve the host key remotely, as you cannot be sure, if you are not being attacked already.

import pysftp as sftp

def push_file_to_server():
    s = sftp.Connection(host='', username='root', password='pass', auto_add_key=True)
    local_path = "testme.txt"
    remote_path = "/home/testme.txt"

    s.put(local_path, remote_path)
