
Tween shape position so it smoothly follows cursor instead of jumping?




var width = 1200
var height = 800
var draw = SVG('drawing').size(width, height)

var building = draw.rect(1200, 800).fill('https://www.dropbox.com/s/pidx5gd1cmt3kyx/mcw_elevation_small.jpg?raw=1')

var rect1 = draw.rect(300,80).fill('#FFF')
rect1.center(width/2, height/2)

var mask2 = draw.mask().add(rect1)


var xPos = 300;
var yPos = 600;

onmousemove = function(e){
 xPos = e.clientX
 yPos = e.clientY
  console.log(xPos+' , '+yPos)


function update(dt) {
  // move the rectangle towards the cursor 
  rect1.animate(300).move(xPos - 300, yPos - 80)


var lastTime, animFrame;

function callback(ms) {
  // we get passed a timestamp in milliseconds
  // we use it to determine how much time has passed since the last call

  if (lastTime) {
    update((ms-lastTime)/1000) // call update and pass delta time in seconds

  lastTime = ms
  animFrame = requestAnimationFrame(callback)



Don't use animations at all (solution 2) or use the new svg.js v3 controllers (solution 3)

当您对一个元素多次调用 animate() 时,动画会被链接起来。您每 requestAnimationFrame 调用一次动画,这意味着您每 16 毫秒链接一个新动画。该 ofc 看起来很不对劲,因为所有动画都是依次播放的。



svg.js v2

  • 在调用 animate 之前停止动画。在您的情况下,您需要 stop(finishAnimation=false, clearQueue=true)。下一次调用 animate 应该将新动画加入队列并立即播放

svg.js v3

  • in svg.js v3 animate() returns 一个 运行ner 被安排在元素动画时间轴上。在再次 animate() 之前,出于性能原因,您应该先从时间轴中删除 运行ner:

var runner = el.animate()
// later
  • 但是,这不是必需的。然后您可以使用 animate(duration, delay, when) 的新语法安排新的动画。你想要animate(300, 0, 'now')。这将 运行 立即显示新动画



SVG.on(document, 'mousemove', (e) => {
  // This function converts the mouse coordinates
  // into the space of the draw element. No other math required :)
  const {x, y} = draw.point(e.clientX, e.clientY)
  rect.center(x, y)

最酷和最新的解决方案 - 但也许您还是想考虑第二种解决方案

svg.js v3 带有一种称为声明性动画的新型动画。 控制器负责始终将动画带到您想要的位置,使鼠标跟随真实的 breeze.

// Spring() creates a new controller behaving like a physical spring
// You can pass 2 parameters: new SVG.Spring(settleTime, overshoot)
// So if you want jiggling increase the overwhoot (0-20% is useful)
const runner = rect1.animate(new SVG.Spring())

// This part is similar to the second solution
SVG.on(document, 'mousemove', (e) => {
  const {x, y} = draw.point(e.clientX, e.clientY)
  runner.center(x, y)

有关 svg.js v3 的更多信息,twitter 是最好的来源 atm,因为代码示例每天都会发布,直到圣诞节:https://twitter.com/svg_js