
How would i write a test for something which uses stdout?


'use strict'

 * Returns the logging options we're using
 * @param   {String} name Name of the logger. Should be service name. e.g. ciitizen-file-service
 * @returns {Object}      The logging options we're using
 * @private
function getLoggerOptions(name) {
  return {
    name: name,
    streams: [
        level: 'info',
        stream: stdOutStream()
      }, {
        level: 'error',
        stream: stdErrStream()
      , {
        level: 'debug',
        stream: stdOutStream()
        level: 'warn',
        stream: stdOutStream()
        level: 'fatal',
        stream: stdErrStream()

 * Creates a stream that writes to stdout
 * @param   {Object} info The log info
 * @returns {Object}      An object which logs to stdout
 * @private
function stdOutStream() {
  return {
    write: log => {
      // Change log level number to name and write it out
      log.level = bunyan.nameFromLevel[log.level]
      process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(log) + '\n')

 * Creates a stream that writes to stderr
 * @param   {Object} info The log info
 * @returns {Object}      An object which logs to stderr
 * @private
function stdErrStream() {
  return {
    write: log => {
      // Change log level number to name and write it out
      log.level = bunyan.nameFromLevel[log.level]
      process.stderr.write(JSON.stringify(log) + '\n')

module.exports = { getLoggerOptions }


'use strict'

const expect = require('chai').expect
const { getLoggerOptions } = require('../src/helpers')

describe.only('#getLoggerOptions', () => {
  it('should return the logger options', () => {



您只是断言 getLoggerOptions(...) 应该 returns 一个对象,但您没有访问该对象。


describe.only('#probeLoggerOptions', () => {
  it('should do expected logging stuff', () => {
    const {name, streams} = getLoggerOptions('test');
    for (let stream of streams) {
      console.log(`getting logopt for level ${stream.level}`);
      expect(stream.stream.write(log), /* ... what to expect */);

现在测试正在调用每个对象中的 write 函数。

EXTRA:如果您拥有代码,最好的方法是重构它以使其更易于测试。例如,不是直接写入高级 process 流,而是创建一个 WritableStream,写入它,然后通过管道传输到所需的 process 流。

function configureStream(writable = process.stdout, data = null, msg = 'done') {
  const stream = fs.createReadStream('/tmp/log');


function stdOutStream() {
  return {
    write: log => {
      // Change log level number to name and write it out
      log.level = bunyan.nameFromLevel[log.level];
      configureStream(data = JSON.stringify(log) + '\n');

除了能够单独测试 configureStream 之外,您还可以将每个日志记录过程的内容抽象为一个函数,以减少测试面。现在您还可以连接到流的事件,例如 'pipe' 或 'finish' 以检查正在记录的内容。