数组中的展开操作出错。 TS1005:“,”预期。打字稿

Error with spread operation in array. TS1005: ',' expected. TypeScript

我无法弄清楚我在 row.sections[SECTION_ID 线上错过了什么。它总是向我显示拼写错误 ','...

FAQ: sections - is an array with objects inside. In this case I'm trying modify the specific object of the sections founded by custom flag SECTION_ID.


我也尝试将 row.sections[SECTION_ID] 放在额外的括号 [] 中,但不幸的是它没有帮助...有什么解决方案吗?

  rows: state.rows.map(
    row =>
      row.ID === action.rowID
        ? {
            sections: [
              row.sections[SECTION_ID]: { // error is here
                data: {
                  ...// some data
        : row


state.rows.map((row) => {
  if (rowID !== action.rowID) {
    return row;
  const sectionCopy = [...row.sections];
  sectionCopy[SECTION_ID] = {
    data: {
      // some data
  return {
    sections: sectionCopy,

你不能用这种方式通过spread操作来改变array里面的一些element。使用这种方法,您每次只需将一个新的、变异的 element 添加到相同的 array。所以,如果你想让它正确,你需要使用 map 迭代器来代替:

rows: state.mymaps.rows.map(
    row =>
      row.ID === action.rowID
        ? {
            sections: row.sections.map(
              (section, index) =>
                index === JOIN_SECTION_ID
                  ? {
                      data: {
                   } : section
          } : row