循环 linked 列表 link 从后到前,无前参考

Circular linked list link rear to front without front reference

I am trying to implement number 6 in this picture

我主要是想制作一个循环 linked 列表,方法是制作一个从后节点到前节点的 link。但是在这个例子中,他们说不要使用对第一个节点的前端引用,所以我不确定如何在没有前端引用的情况下访问前端节点。 在添加和删除方法中,我只需要放一行代码 rear.setLink(front); 但是,如果没有前面的参考,我不知道该怎么做。这是我的代码,大部分是我们使用的教科书的修改代码

           * modified code from the book

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

   import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    //import edu.colorado.nodes.Node;
       public class CircularLinkedList<E> implements Cloneable {

       // File: LinkedQueue.java from the package edu.colorado.collections
  // Complete documentation is available from the LinkedQueue link in:
    //   http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/docs/

 // Invariant of the LinkedQueue class:
 //   1. The number of items in the queue is stored in the instance variable
 //      manyNodes.
 //   2. The items in the queue are stored in a linked list, with the front 
//      of the queue stored at the head node, and the rear of the queue at 
//      the final node.
//   3. For a non-empty queue, the instance variable front is the head 
//      reference of the linked list of items and the instance variable rear
//      is the tail reference of the linked list. For an empty queue, both 
//      front and rear are the null reference.

private int manyNodes=0; //numberOf Nodes in list initialized to 0
//private Node<E> front;
private Node<E> rear;

* Initialize an empty queue.
* <b>Postcondition:</b>
*   This queue is empty.
public <Node>CircularLinkedList( )
  //front = null;
  rear = null;


* Put a new a new item in this queue. 
* @param item
*   the item to be pushed onto this queue 
*  <b>Postcondition:</b>
*   The item has been pushed onto this queue.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
*   Indicates insufficient memory for increasing the queue's capacity.
* <b>Note:</b>
*   An attempt to increase the capacity beyond
*   <CODE>Integer.MAX_VALUE</CODE> will cause the queue to fail with an
*   arithmetic overflow.
public void add(E item)
  Node cursor;
    if (isEmpty( ))
   {  // Insert first item.
     rear = new Node<E>(item, null);
//rear = front;
   {  // Insert an item that is not the first.
      rear = rear.getLink( );  
      //for(cursor =rear; curs
     // rear.setLink(CircularLinkedList.listposition(0)); //make link to front creating a           circular linked List


* Generate a copy of this queue.
* @return
*   The return value is a copy of this queue. Subsequent changes to the
*   copy will not affect the original, nor vice versa. Note that the return
*   value must be type cast to an <CODE>LinkedQueue</CODE> before it can be used.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
*   Indicates insufficient memory for creating the clone.
public CircularLinkedList<E> clone( )       
{  // Clone a LinkedQueue<E>.
  CircularLinkedList<E> answer;
  Object[ ] cloneInfo;

     answer = (CircularLinkedList<E>) super.clone( );
  catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
     // This exception should not occur. But if it does, it would probably indicate a
     // programming error that made super.clone unavailable. The most comon error
     // The most common error would be forgetting the "Implements Cloneable"
     // clause at the start of this class.
     throw new RuntimeException
     ("This class does not implement Cloneable");

  cloneInfo = Node.listCopyWithTail(rear);
 // answer.front = (Node<E>) cloneInfo[0];
  answer.rear = (Node<E>) cloneInfo[1];

  return answer;

* Determine whether this queue is empty.
* @return
*   <CODE>true</CODE> if this queue is empty;
*   <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise. 
public boolean isEmpty( )
  return (manyNodes == 0);

* Get the front item, removing it from this queue.
* <b>Precondition:</b>
*   This queue is not empty.
* @return
*   The return value is the front item of this queue, and the item has
*   been removed.
* @exception NoSuchElementException
*    Indicates that this queue is empty.
public E remove( )
  E answer;

  if (manyNodes == 0)
     // NoSuchElementException is from java.util and its constructor has no argument.
     throw new NoSuchElementException("Queue underflow");
 answer = rear.getData( );
 // front = front.getLink( );
  if (manyNodes == 0)
     rear = null;
  return answer;

* Accessor method to determine the number of itaems in this queue.
*  @return
*   the number of items in this queue
public int size( )   
  return manyNodes;

public static void main(String[] args)
 CircularLinkedList c1 = new CircularLinkedList();
 System.out.println("the data in the rear is " + c1.rear.getData());
 //System.out.println("the data in the front is " + c1.front.getData());
// System.out.println("the data in node after rear is  " + c1.rear.getLink().getData());
 //System.out.println("this is because the rear links to the front making the Linked List circular");


  class Node<E>
  // Invariant of the Node class:
  //   1. Each node has one reference to an E Object, stored in the instance
  //      variable data.
  //   2. For the final node of a list, the link part is null.
  //      Otherwise, the  link part is a reference to the
  //      next node of the list.
  private E data;
  private Node<E> link;

* Initialize a node with a specified initial data and link to the next
* node. Note that the initialLink may be the null reference,
* which indicates that the new node has nothing after it.
* @param initialData
*   the initial data of this new node
* @param initialLink
*   a reference to the node after this new node--this reference may be null
*   to indicate that there is no node after this new node.
* @postcondition
*   This node contains the specified data and link to the next node.
public Node(E initialData, Node<E> initialLink)
  data = initialData;
  link = initialLink;

* Modification method to add a new node after this node.
* @param element
*   the data to place in the new node
* @postcondition
*   A new node has been created and placed after this node.
*   The data for the new node is element. Any other nodes
*   that used to be after this node are now after the new node.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
*    Indicates that there is insufficient memory for a new
*   Node.
public void addNodeAfter(E element)
  link = new Node<E>(element, link);

* Accessor method to get the data from this node.
* @param - none
* @return
*   the data from this node
public E getData( )
  return data;

* Accessor method to get a reference to the next node after this node.
* @param - none
* @return
*   a reference to the node after this node (or the null reference if there
*   is nothing after this node)
public Node<E> getLink( )
  return link;

 * Copy a list.
 * @param source
 *   the head of a linked list that will be copied (which may be
 *   an empty list in where source is null)
 * @return
 *   The method has made a copy of the linked list starting at
 *   source. The return value is the head reference for the
 *   copy.
 * @exception OutOfMemoryError
 *   Indicates that there is insufficient memory for the new list.
 public static <E> Node<E> listCopy(Node<E> source)
  Node<E> copyHead;
  Node<E> copyTail;

  // Handle the special case of the empty list.
  if (source == null)
     return null;

  // Make the first node for the newly created list.
  copyHead = new Node<E>(source.data, null);
  copyTail = copyHead;

  // Make the rest of the nodes for the newly created list.
  while (source.link != null)
     source = source.link;
     copyTail = copyTail.link;

  // Return the head reference for the new list.
  return copyHead;

 * Copy a list, returning both a head and tail reference for the copy.
 * @param source
 *   the head of a linked list that will be copied (which may be
 *   an empty list in where source is null)
 * @return
 *   The method has made a copy of the linked list starting at
 *   source.  The return value is an
 *   array where the [0] element is a head reference for the copy and the [1]
 *   element is a tail reference for the copy.
 * @exception OutOfMemoryError
 *   Indicates that there is insufficient memory for the new list.
 public static <E> Node<E>[ ] listCopyWithTail(Node<E> source)
  Node<E> copyHead;
  Node<E> copyTail;
 //Node<E>[ ] answer = (Node<E>[]) new Object[2]; Causes ClassCastException!
  Node<E>[ ] answer = createArray(null, null);

  // Handle the special case of the empty list.
  if (source == null)
     return answer; // The answer has two null references .

  // Make the first node for the newly created list.
  copyHead = new Node<E>(source.data, null);
  copyTail = copyHead;

  // Make the rest of the nodes for the newly created list.
  while (source.link != null)
     source = source.link;
     copyTail = copyTail.link;

  // Return the head and tail references.
  answer[0] = copyHead;
  answer[1] = copyTail;
  return answer;

 * Compute the number of nodes in a linked list.
 * @param head
 *    the head reference for a linked list (which may be an empty list
 *   with a null head)
 * @return
 *   the number of nodes in the list with the given head
 * @note
 *   A wrong answer occurs for lists longer than Int.MAX_VALUE.
 public static <E> int listLength(Node<E> head)
  Node<E> cursor;
  int answer;

  answer = 0;
  for (cursor = head; cursor != null; cursor = cursor.link)

  return answer;

* Copy part of a list, providing a head and tail reference for the new copy.
* @param start/end
*   references to two nodes of a linked list
* @param copyHead/copyTail
*   the method sets these to refer to the head and tail node of the new
*   list that is created
* @precondition
*   start and end are non-null references to nodes
*   on the same linked list,
*   with the start node at or before the end node.
* @return
*   The method has made a copy of the part of a linked list, from the
*   specified start node to the specified end node. The return value is an
*   array where the [0] component is a head reference for the copy and the
*   [1] component is a tail reference for the copy.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
 *   Indicates that start and end do not satisfy
*   the precondition.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
*   Indicates that there is insufficient memory for the new list.
   public static <E> Node<E>[ ] listPart(Node<E> start, Node<E> end)
  Node<E> copyHead;
  Node<E> copyTail;
  Node<E> cursor;
 //Node<E>[ ] answer = (Node<E>[]) new Object[2]; Causes ClassCastException!
  Node<E>[ ] answer = createArray(null, null);

  // Check for illegal null at start or end.
  if (start == null)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("start is null");
  if (end == null)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("end is null");

  // Make the first node for the newly created list.
  copyHead = new Node<E>(start.data, null);
  copyTail = copyHead;
  cursor = start;

  // Make the rest of the nodes for the newly created list.
  while (cursor != end)
     cursor = cursor.link;
     if (cursor == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException
        ("end node was not found on the list");
     copyTail = copyTail.link;

   // Return the head and tail references
  answer[0] = copyHead;
   answer[1] = copyTail;
   return answer;

* Find a node at a specified position in a linked list.
* @param head
*   the head reference for a linked list (which may be an empty list in
*   which case the head is null)
* @param position
*   a node number
* @precondition
*   position > 0.
* @return
*   The return value is a reference to the node at the specified position in
*   the list. (The head node is position 1, the next node is position 2, and
*   so on.) If there is no such position (because the list is too short),
*   then the null reference is returned.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
*   Indicates that position is zero.
   public static <E> Node<E> listPosition(Node<E> head, int position)
   Node<E> cursor;
  int i;

  if (position == 0)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("position is zero");

  cursor = head;
  for (i = 1; (i < position) && (cursor != null); i++)
     cursor = cursor.link;

  return cursor;

* Search for a particular piece of data in a linked list.
* @param head
*   the head reference for a linked list (which may be an empty list in
*   which case the head is null)
* @param target
*   a target to search for
* @return
*   The return value is a reference to the first node that contains the
*   specified target. If the target is non-null, then the
*   target.equals method is used to find such a node.
*   The target may also be null, in which case the return value is a
*   reference to the first node that contains a null reference for its
*   data. If there is no node that contains the target, then the null
*   reference is returned.

 public static <E> Node<E> listSearch(Node<E> head, E target)
  Node<E> cursor;

  if (target == null)
  {  // Search for a node in which the data is the null reference.
     for (cursor = head; cursor != null; cursor = cursor.link)
        if (cursor.data == null)
           return cursor;
  {  // Search for a node that contains the non-null target.
     for (cursor = head; cursor != null; cursor = cursor.link)
        if (target.equals(cursor.data))
           return cursor;

  return null;

* Modification method to remove the node after this node.
* @param - none
* @precondition
*   This node must not be the tail node of the list.
* @postcondition
*   The node after this node has been removed from the linked list.
*   If there were further nodes after that one, they are still
*   present on the list.
* @exception NullPointerException
*   Indicates that this was the tail node of the list, so there is nothing
*   after it to remove.
public void removeNodeAfter( )
  link = link.link;

* Modification method to set the data in this node.
* @param newData
*   the new data to place in this node
* @postcondition
*   The data of this node has been set to newData.
*   This data is allowed to be null.
  public void setData(E newData)
  data = newData;

* Modification method to set the link to the next node after this node.
* @param newLink
*   a reference to the node that should appear after this node in the linked
*   list (or the null reference if there is no node after this node)
* @postcondition
*   The link to the node after this node has been set to newLink.
*   Any other node (that used to be in this link) is no longer connected to
*   this node.
  public void setLink(Node<E> newLink)
  link = newLink;

 * Create an array of Node<E> objects.  This is the only way that
* I've found to create such an array that doesn't cause a
* ClassCastException at run time.  In the textbook, I used:
*  // Node<E>[ ] answer = (Node<E>[]) new Object[2];
* but this approach now seems to fail.  I'll keep looking for
* other solutions!
 private static <E> Node<E>[ ] createArray(Node<E>... nodes)
  return nodes;


当您添加第一个节点时,link 它自身。虽然只有一个节点,但它会使它成为一个循环列表。

first -> first


first -> second -> first


public void add(E item) {
    Node cursor;
    if (isEmpty( )) {
       // Insert first item.
        rear = new Node<E>(item, null);
        rear.setLink(rear);    // <=== add a link to itself to make it circular
    else {
        // Insert an item that is not the first.
        rear = rear.getLink( );  

当你想移除前端节点时。从后面取 link(这会给你前面),然后将后面的 link 设置为前面的 link(这会指向前面后面的那个)。

first -> second -> third -> first


second -> third -> second


third -> third

您需要注意检查列表是否只有一项。如果是,那么您可以通过将 rear 设置为 null 来清除列表。

public E remove() {
    if (rear == null) {
        // NoSuchElementException is from java.util and its constructor has no argument.
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Queue underflow");

    E answer = rear.getLink().getData();

    if (rear.getLink() == rear) {
        // this is the last item in the list
        rear = null;
    else {
        // point rear to the one after front so that front is removed
    return answer;

Node class 中的静态方法假定 rear 的 link 为 null。循环列表不会出现这种情况。所以这些方法将一遍又一遍地围绕列表循环。所以如果你打算使用它们,请小心。