
Accessing combo box data model

我正在将 QJsonArray 从 C++ 发送到 QML 组合框:


void discoveryResultChanged(const QJsonArray jsonArray);


QByteArray answer_ba = reply->readAll();
QJsonDocument answer_json_doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(answer_ba);
QJsonObject answer_json_obj = answer_json_doc.object();
QJsonArray answer_json_array = answer_json_obj["printers_array"].toArray();
qDebug() << __func__ << "JSON array: " << answer_json_array;
emit discoveryResultChanged(answer_json_array);


    ColumnLayout {
        id: printersColumn
        width: parent.width
        spacing: 8
        Layout.bottomMargin: 8
        Layout.topMargin: 8

        visible: !netlib.discoveryInProgress

        RowLayout {
            width: parent.width

            ComboBox {
                id: printers
                width: parent.width
                anchors.margins: 4
                textRole: "name"

            Connections {
                target: netlib
                onDiscoveryResultChanged: {
                    printers.model = jsonArray // ComboBox model is set to QJsonArray

        RowLayout {
            TextArea {
                text: printers.currentText
                // How to access `printers` ComboBox data model here?
                // I need to access key/values of QJsonArray ... how?



QJsonArray([{"ip":"","name":"N 0","port":4000,"profiles_array":[{"config":"0 blah blah blah","id":0,"name":"Profile 0-0"},{"config":"1 blah blah blah","id":1,"name":"Profile 0-1"},{"config":"2 blah blah blah","id":2,"name":"Profile 0-2"}]},{"ip":"","name":"N 1","port":4001,"profiles_array":[{"config":"0 blah blah blah","id":0,"name":"Profile 1-0"},{"config":"1 blah blah blah","id": 1,"name":"Profile 1-1"},{"config":"2 blah blah blah","id":2,"name":"Profile 1-2"}] },{"ip":"","name":"N 2","port":4003,"profiles_array":[{"config":" 0 等等等等等等","id":0,"name":"Profile 2-0"},{"config":"1 等等等等等等","id":1,"name":"Profile 2-1"},{"config":"2 blah blah blah","id":2,"name":"Profile 2-2"}]}])

如何从我的 QML 代码的 TextArea 中访问 ComboBox 模型 QJsonArray 的 key/values?

这样,我可以从我的 TextArea:

中访问 ID 为 printersComboBoxJsonArray 模型 key/values
 TextArea {
     text: "Printer IP: " + printers.model[printers.currentIndex].ip +
         "\nPrinter Port: " + printers.model[printers.currentIndex].port