Flutter 找不到虚拟设备

Flutter not able to find virtual device

我对 Flutter 有疑问。我在 Ubuntu 18.04 上使用 Android Studio 3.2.1。我无法让它找到我的虚拟设备。

当我运行flutter doctor时,显示如下输出:

$ flutter doctor
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel master, v0.11.10-pre.3, on Linux, locale en_US.UTF-8)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK 28.0.3)
[✓] Android Studio (version 3.2)
[!] Connected device

! Doctor found issues in 1 category.

当我 运行 flutter emulators 它找到设备时:

$ flutter emulators
1 available emulator:

Nexus_5X_API_28 • Nexus 5X • Google • Nexus 5X API 28

To run an emulator, run 'flutter emulators --launch <emulator id>'.
To create a new emulator, run 'flutter emulators --create [--name xyz]'.

然后我可以 运行 flutter emulators --launch Nexus_5X_API_28 启动模拟器。它按预期打开。

当我再次运行flutter doctor时,还是找不到设备:

    $ flutter doctor
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel master, v0.11.10-pre.3, on Linux, locale en_US.UTF-8)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK 28.0.3)
[✓] Android Studio (version 3.2)
[!] Connected device

! Doctor found issues in 1 category.

当我尝试从设备下拉窗格启动模拟器时,同样的事情发生了。我可以 select Open Android Emulator: Nexus 5X API 28,它会打开设备,但在模拟器启动后仍然显示 <No Devices>



解锁后,我必须在虚拟设备上进行一些设置。我没有注意到这一点,但是 运行 flutter doctor -v 说得很清楚了:

[!] Connected device
• Device emulator-5554 is not authorized.
  You might need to check your device for an authorization dialog.