在 Swift 中动态解码任意 json 字段

Decoding arbitrary json field dynamically in Swift


有没有一种方法可以让我使用 JSONDecoder 并编写一个函数,该函数将从给定的 json 指定可解码类型的给定字段值中读出?



我有 2 个 Decodable 结构:

struct Product: Decodable {
    var name: String
    var price: Int

struct Employee: Decodable {
    var lastName: String
    var department: String
    var manager: String


func getValue<T:Decodable>(from json: Data, field: String) -> T { ... }


let product: Product = getValue(from: myJson, field: "product")
let employee: Employee = getValue(from: myJson, field: "employee")

这可以用 JSONDecoder 还是我应该弄乱 JSONSerialization,首先读出给定 json 的 "subtree" 然后将其传递给解码器?在 swift.


Decodable 假定您在设计时就知道启用静态类型所需的一切。你想要的越有活力,你就必须变得越有创造力。在这些情况下,定义通用编码键结构非常方便:

/// A structure that holds no fixed key but can generate dynamic keys at run time
struct GenericCodingKeys: CodingKey {
    var stringValue: String
    var intValue: Int?

    init?(stringValue: String) { self.stringValue = stringValue }
    init?(intValue: Int) { self.intValue = intValue; self.stringValue = "\(intValue)" }
    static func makeKey(_ stringValue: String) -> GenericCodingKeys { return self.init(stringValue: stringValue)! }
    static func makeKey(_ intValue: Int) -> GenericCodingKeys { return self.init(intValue: intValue)! }

/// A structure that retains just the decoder object so we can decode dynamically later
fileprivate struct JSONHelper: Decodable {
    let decoder: Decoder

    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        self.decoder = decoder

func getValue<T: Decodable>(from json: Data, field: String) throws -> T {
    let helper = try JSONDecoder().decode(JSONHelper.self, from: json)
    let container = try helper.decoder.container(keyedBy: GenericCodingKeys.self)
    return try container.decode(T.self, forKey: .makeKey(field))

let product: Product = try getValue(from: json, field: "product")
let employee: Employee = try getValue(from: json, field: "employee")

我首先要说的是 是一个可行且好的答案,但如果您寻求一种不同的方式来做这件事,尽管表面下的工作方式基本相同,我有一个替代解决方案,使用 Code Different 答案的主要组成部分,生成以下代码。主要区别之一是一个 JSONDecoder 在同一个 JSON 上重复使用,对于您正在提取的每个 struct,使用这个。


/// Conforming to this protocol, makes the type decodable using the JSONContainer class
/// You can use `Decodable` instead.
protocol JSONContainerCodable: Codable {

    /// Returns the name that the type is recognized with, in the JSON.
    /// This is overridable in types conforming to the protocol.
    static var containerIdentifier: String { get }

    /// Defines whether or not the type's container identifier is lowercased.
    /// Defaults to `true`
    static var isLowerCased: Bool { get }

extension JSONContainerCodable {

    static var containerIdentifier: String {
        let identifier = String(describing: self)
        return !isLowerCased ? identifier : identifier.lowercased()

    static var isLowerCased: Bool {
        return true

struct Product: JSONContainerCodable {

    var name:  String
    var price: Int

struct Employee: JSONContainerCodable {

    var lastName:   String
    var department: String
    var manager:    String

/// This class is simply a wrapper around JSONDecoder
class JSONContainerDecoder: Decodable {

    private struct AnyCodingKeys: CodingKey {

        var stringValue: String
        var intValue: Int?

        init?(intValue: Int) {
            self.intValue = intValue
            self.stringValue = "\(intValue)"

        init?(stringValue: String) {
            self.stringValue = stringValue

        init(_ string: String) {
            stringValue = string

    private let decoder: JSONDecoder
    private let container: KeyedDecodingContainer<AnyCodingKeys>

    /// Overrides the initializer as specified in `Decodable`.
    required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        self.decoder = JSONDecoder()
        self.container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: AnyCodingKeys.self)

    /// Factory initializer. Swift (4.2) currently doesn't support overriding the parentheses operator.
    static func decoding(_ data: Data, with decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()) throws -> JSONContainerDecoder {
        return try decoder.decode(JSONContainerDecoder.self, from: myJSON)

    /// Gets the given type from the JSON, based on its field/container identifier, and decodes it. Assumes there exists only one type with the given field/container identifier, in the JSON.
    func get<T: JSONContainerCodable>(_ type: T.Type, field: String? = nil) throws -> T {
        return try container.decode(T.self, forKey: AnyCodingKeys(field ?? T.containerIdentifier))

    /// Short version of the decode getter above; assumes the variable written to already has its type defined.
    func get<T: JSONContainerCodable>(field: String? = nil) throws -> T {
        return try get(T.self, field: field)

let myJSON = """
    "product": {
        "name": "PR1",
        "price": 20
    "employee": {
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "department": "IT",
        "manager": "Anderson"
""".data(using: .utf8)!

let container = try! JSONContainer.decoding(myJSON)

print(try! container.get( Product.self))
print(try! container.get(Employee.self))

Product(name: "PR1", price: 20)
Employee(lastName: "Smith", department: "IT", manager: "Anderson")