3 个嵌套循环:优化简单模拟以提高速度

3 nested loops: Optimizing a simple simulation for speed



One day, an alien comes to Earth. Every day, each alien does one of four things, each with equal probability to:

  • Kill himself
  • Do nothing
  • Split himself into two aliens (while killing himself)
  • split himself into three aliens (while killing himself)

What is the probability that the alien species eventually dies out entirely?

Link to the source and the solution, problem #10

很遗憾,我没能从理论上解决问题。然后我继续用基本的马尔可夫链和 Monte Carlo 模拟来模拟它。



我们从外星人的数量开始n = 1n有机会不变,减1,加1,减2,每次%25。如果 n 递增,即外星人倍增,我们再次重复此过程 n 次。这对应于每个外星人都会做一遍它的事情。不过,我必须设置一个上限,以便我们停止模拟并避免崩溃。 n 可能会增加,我们会一次又一次地循环 n 次。


n达到零或上限后,我们还记录人口(它将是零或某个数字>= max_pop)。



from random import randint
import numpy as np

pop_max = 100
iter_max = 100000

results = np.zeros(iter_max, dtype=int)

for i in range(iter_max):
    n = 1
    while n > 0 and n < pop_max:
        for j in range(n):
            x = randint(1, 4)
            if x == 1:
                n = n - 1
            elif x == 2:
            elif x == 3:
                n = n + 1
            elif x == 4:
                n = n + 2
    results[i] = n

print( np.bincount(results)[0] / iter_max )


这段代码给出了有希望的结果,非常接近大约 %41.4 的真实答案。


> python aliens.py
> python aliens.py
> python aliens.py
> python aliens.py
> python aliens.py
> python aliens.py
> python aliens.py
> python aliens.py
> python aliens.py


我对结果没意见,但这段代码所用的时间我不能说相同。大约需要 16-17 秒:)

如何提高速度?如何优化循环(尤其是 while 循环)?也许有更好的方法或更好的模型?

您可以通过使用 numpy(更快)一次生成 n 个随机整数来向量化您的内部循环,并使用算术而不是布尔逻辑摆脱所有 if 语句。

    #population changes by (-1, 0, +1, +2) for each alien
    n += np.random.randint(-1,3, size=n).sum()

对其他所有内容使用您的确切代码(您可能会在其他地方找到其他优化)我使用这一更改从 21.2 秒减少到 4.3 秒。

在不更改算法(即使用 monte carlo 以外的方法求解)的情况下,在您开始编译为机器代码(幸运的是如果你安装了 numba 就很容易了。

我不会提供有关 numba 执行的即时编译的完整教程,相反,我只会分享我的代码并记下我所做的更改:

from time import time
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randint
from numba import njit, int32, prange

def simulate(pop_max): #move simulation of one population to a function for parallelization
    n = 1
    while 0 < n < pop_max:
        n += np.sum(randint(-1,3,n))
    return n

@njit('i4[:](i4,i4)', parallel=True)
def solve(pop_max, iter_max):
    #this could be easily simplified to just return the raio of populations that die off vs survive to pop_max
    # which would save you some ram (though the speed is about the same)
    results = np.zeros(iter_max, dtype=int32) #numba needs int32 here rather than python int
    for i in prange(iter_max): #prange specifies that this loop can be parallelized
        results[i] = simulate(pop_max)
    return results

pop_max = 100
iter_max = 100000

t = time()
print( np.bincount(solve(pop_max, iter_max))[0] / iter_max )
print('time elapsed: ', time()-t)

在我的系统上,并行化编译使计算速度降低到大约 0.15 秒。

没有 numpy 解决方案,100k 次模拟大约需要 5 秒:

from random import choices

def simulate_em():
    def spwn(aliens):
        return choices(range(-1,3), k=aliens)

    aliens = {1:1}
    i = 1
    while aliens[i] > 0 and aliens[i] < 100:    
        i += 1
        num = aliens[i-1]
        aliens[i] = num + sum(spwn(num))

    # commented for speed
    # print(f"Round {i:<5} had {aliens[i]:>20} alien alive.")
    return (i,aliens[i])

正在测试(在 pyfiddle.io 上大约 5 秒):

from datetime import datetime

t = datetime.now()    
d = {}
wins = 0
test = 100000
for k in range(test):
    d[k] = simulate_em()
    wins += d[k][1]>=100

print(1-wins/test)         # 0.41532
print(datetime.now()-t)    # 0:00:04.840127

因此 10 万次测试运行大约需要 5 秒...

输出(2 次运行):

Round 1     had                    1 alien alive.
Round 2     had                    3 alien alive.
Round 3     had                    6 alien alive.
Round 4     had                    9 alien alive.
Round 5     had                    7 alien alive.
Round 6     had                   13 alien alive.
Round 7     had                   23 alien alive.
Round 8     had                   20 alien alive.
Round 9     had                   37 alien alive.
Round 10    had                   54 alien alive.
Round 11    had                   77 alien alive.
Round 12    had                  118 alien alive.

Round 1     had                    1 alien alive.
Round 2     had                    0 alien alive.

通过使用 amount_of_aliens + sum 而不是 choices(range(-1,3),k=amount_of_aliens),您可以更轻松地求和并更快地填写字典?如果您的外星人数量低于 0,它们就会灭绝。