为什么投影不包括 EF Core 2.0 中的导航嵌套属性?

Why projection is not including navigation nested properties in EF Core 2.0?


public class Model
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual List<Nested> Nested { get; set; }

public class Nested
    public Guid ModelId { get; set; }
    public virtual Model Model{ get; set; }

    public Guid FurtherNestedId{ get; set; }
    public virtual FurtherNested FurtherNested { get; set; }

public class FurtherNested
    public Guid Id {get; set;}
    public string Name{ get; set; }


_dbContext.Models.Include(x => x.Nested).ThenInclude(x => x.FurtherNested).Select(x => new {
    Nested= x.Nested

出于某种原因,这会创建一个具有嵌套属性的对象列表(如预期的那样),但是列表项的嵌套 属性 设置了 FurtherNestedId 但没有设置 FurtherNested,因此我无法获得 FurtherNested.Name。 IE FurtherNestedId 存在,但实际导航 属性 不存在。



编辑:还值得注意的是,通过将 toList() 向上移动到 .Select() 之上,我得到了我想要的,但执行时间是原来的 3 倍。


    any other properties that live on Model,
    Nested: [
         furtherNestedId: '',
         furtherNested: { Name: '' }

Include doesn't work with projection queries. Once you start projecting (Select), you need to continue with Select all the way down.


var myModels = _dbContext.Models.Include(x => x.Nested).ThenInclude(n => n.FurtherNested).Select(x => new
                Name = x.Name,
                Nested = x.Nested.Select(n => new
                    FurtherNestedId = n.FurtherNestedId,
                    FurtherNested = n.FurtherNested

