如何仅提取当天的 API 详细信息?

How can I extract the API details for the current day only?

我有以下代码,它以字典格式为我提供了有关 IBM 的所有信息,但它包含了远远晚于当前日期的许多不同日期的相同信息。我将如何仅提取当前日期的信息?

on mouseUp
   put url("https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=IBM&apikey=YPMBUVQ8AJXX1HQP") into field "myData"
end mouseUp

这里的技巧是按日期解析每个小文本块。 "itemDelimiter" 可以设置为任何字符串,查看 url 调用的内容,我会使用字符串 "{,".


 on mouseUp
   put url("https://www.alphavantage.co/query function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=IBM&apikey=YPMBUVQ8AJXX1HQP") into field "myData"

   set the itemDel to "},"
   answer item 6 of fld "myData"
end mouseUp


您从服务中获得 JSON,因此我认为最好的解决方案是将 JSON 转换为数组。您可以使用 ImportJSON 或 JSON 来做到这一点,例如:

put url("https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=IBM&apikey=YPMBUVQ8AJXX1HQP") into tData
put JSONToArray(tData) into tArr   
# Get current date as ISO-date!
put the date into tDate
convert tDate to dateItems
put item 1 to 3 of tDate into tDate
replace "," with "-" in tDate
# Now get the current item in the array
put tArr["Time Series (Daily)"][tDate] into tToday
# To view in a normal field you can use combine 
combine tToday with return and tab
put tToday into field "myData"

在漫长的 运行 中,如果您在继续之前将 JSON 转换为更易于管理的内容,我真的认为您 运行 会容易得多。