Laravel Dompdf 设置 DPI 从 pdf 中删除图像

Laravel Dompdf Set DPI removes image from pdf

我正在使用 berryvdh/dompdf 生成 PDF,并将其作为电子邮件附件发送:

$pdf = PDF::loadView($view, compact('******'));
$pdf->setOptions(['dpi' => 300 ]);
$output = $pdf->save('pdf/' . $name_pr);


$message->attach($file, [
                        'as' => $reference.'.pdf',
                        'mime' => 'application/pdf',

在我的 pdf 视图中:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type">
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        body{position: relative;}
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            height: 42px;
            /*        background: red    */

            width: calc(23.6% - 16px);
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            width: 63.8%;
            left: 31.3%;
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            width: 63.8%;
            left: 31.3%;
            top: 20.6%;
            width: 22.8%;
            left: 31.3%;
            top: 22.6%;
            width: 63.8%;
            left: 31.3%;
            top: 24.6%;
            width: 22.8%;
            left: 31.3%;
            top: 26.6%;
            width: 22.8%;
            left: 31.3%;
            top: 28.5%;
            width: 22.8%;
            left: 31.3%;
            top: 30.3%;
            width: 22.8%;
            left: 31.3%;
            top: 32.2%;
            width: 22.8%;
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            left: 65.6%;
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            width: 9.5%;
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    <img src="{{asset('images/td.jpg')}}" alt="" style="width:100%">
    <div class="ref-no pa">155dds5544</div>
    <div class="vrn pa">A0E4974</div>
    <div class="nop pa">Abbas Abdulla</div>
    <div class="nro pa">Abbas Abdulla asas sadasd dasdsad</div>
    <div class="cn pa">9100074</div>
    <div class="add pa">157/85 A, Sassssss, asdawdw, wewdwds, sssdw</div>
    <div class="pc pa">2547852</div>
    <div class="nic pa">585441154311</div>
    <div class="en pa">84561215842131</div>
    <div class="ec pa">250cc</div>
    <div class="mm pa">TKS2587AS</div>
    <div class="dr pa">22/08/2016</div>

    <div class="from-day pa">14</div>
    <div class="from-month pa">08</div>
    <div class="from-year pa">2016</div>

    <div class="to-day pa">22</div>
    <div class="to-month pa">04</div>
    <div class="to-year pa">2025</div>

    <div class="tc pa">8049841564</div>

    <div class="sticker-sno pa">8049841564</div>
    <div class="sticker-rno pa">789456513</div>
    <div class="sticker-cno pa">548932115</div>
    <div class="sticker-cp pa">10 Years</div>



但是当收到电子邮件时图像被删除了。如果没有 $pdf->setOptions(['dpi' => 300 ]);pdf 会加载图像,但设置 pdf 对齐方式我需要启用此选项,是否有办法解决这个问题?


我通过调用 public 路径并将图像路径连接到我认为的



我通过将图像转换为 base64 解决了这个问题。在我的例子中,我只使用了我在 google 上找到的转换器,因为我的图像是静态的,但如果你必须动态转换,你可以使用它

$path = 'myfolder/myimage.png';
$type = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$data = file_get_contents($path);
$base64 = 'data:image/' . $type . ';base64,' . base64_encode($data);

来源:How to convert an image to base64 encoding?