尝试在 pandas 数据帧上执行 ffill() 时出现 IndexError

IndexError when trying to perform ffill() on pandas dataframe

谁能解释一下这个错误是什么意思?我有一个包含大量 NaN 值的大型数据框。我只是想用以前的值填充某些列。这是代码:

import tables as tb
import pandas as pd

在这里我打开一些 pytables 并将 table 导入数据帧

FGBL = tb.open_file("C:\Users\SUPER\Documents\NewQSPythonSamples\FGBL.h5")

FGBM = tb.open_file("C:\Users\SUPER\Documents\NewQSPythonSamples\FGBM.h5")

FGBS = tb.open_file("C:\Users\SUPER\Documents\NewQSPythonSamples\FGBS.h5")

FGBLtable = FGBL.root.trade.Z4
FGBMtable = FGBM.root.trade.Z4
FGBStable = FGBS.root.trade.Z4

FGBStableq = FGBS.root.quote.Z4
FGBMtableq = FGBM.root.quote.Z4
FGBLtableq = FGBL.root.quote.Z4

fgbltrade = pd.DataFrame.from_records(FGBLtable.read())
fgbmtrade = pd.DataFrame.from_records(FGBMtable.read())
fgbstrade = pd.DataFrame.from_records(FGBLtable.read())

fgblquote = pd.DataFrame.from_records(FGBLtableq.read())
fgbmquote = pd.DataFrame.from_records(FGBMtableq.read())
fgbsquote = pd.DataFrame.from_records(FGBStableq.read())


fgbltrade["DateTimes"] = pd.to_datetime(fgbltrade.dateTime, unit="s")
fgbmtrade["DateTimes"] = pd.to_datetime(fgbmtrade.dateTime, unit="s")
fgbstrade["DateTimes"] = pd.to_datetime(fgbstrade.dateTime, unit="s")

fgblquote["DateTimes"] = pd.to_datetime(fgblquote.dateTime, unit="s")
fgbmquote["DateTimes"] = pd.to_datetime(fgbmquote.dateTime, unit="s")
fgbsquote["DateTimes"] = pd.to_datetime(fgbsquote.dateTime, unit="s")

对帧执行一些简单的数学运算,然后删除 NaN 和不需要的列

fgblquote["VWPfgbl"] = (fgblquote.askPrc*fgblquote.bidSize + fgblquote.bidPrc*fgblquote.askSize)/(fgblquote.askSize + fgblquote.bidSize)
fgbmquote["VWPfgbm"] = (fgbmquote.askPrc*fgbmquote.bidSize + fgbmquote.bidPrc*fgbmquote.askSize)/(fgbmquote.askSize + fgbmquote.bidSize)
fgbsquote["VWPfgbs"] = (fgbsquote.askPrc*fgbsquote.bidSize + fgbsquote.bidPrc*fgbsquote.askSize)/(fgbsquote.askSize + fgbsquote.bidSize)

fgblquote = fgblquote.dropna()
fgbmquote = fgbmquote.dropna()
fgbsquote = fgbsquote.dropna()

fgblquote = fgblquote.drop(["askPrc", "askSize", "bidPrc", "bidSize", "dateTime"], axis=1)
fgbmquote = fgbmquote.drop(["askPrc", "askSize", "bidPrc", "bidSize", "dateTime"], axis=1)
fgbsquote = fgbsquote.drop(["askPrc", "askSize", "bidPrc", "bidSize", "dateTime"], axis=1)


df = pd.merge(fgbltrade, fgbmtrade, on='DateTimes', how = "outer")
df = pd.merge(df, fgbstrade, on='DateTimes', how = "outer")
df = pd.merge(df, fgblquote, on='DateTimes', how = "outer")
df = pd.merge(df, fgbmquote, on='DateTimes', how = "outer")
df = pd.merge(df, fgbsquote, on='DateTimes', how = "outer")


df = df["VWPfgbl"].ffill()
df = df["VWPfgbm"].ffill()
df = df["VWPfgbs"].ffill()


In [3]: df = df["VWPfgbl"].ffill()
   ...: df = df["VWPfgbm"].ffill()
   ...: df = df["VWPfgbs"].ffill()
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-20f62c2a5da9> in <module>()
      1 df = df["VWPfgbl"].ffill()
----> 2 df = df["VWPfgbm"].ffill()
      3 df = df["VWPfgbs"].ffill()

C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\series.py in __getitem__(self, key)
    482     def __getitem__(self, key):
    483         try:
--> 484             result = self.index.get_value(self, key)
    486             if not np.isscalar(result):

C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\index.py in get_value(self, series, key)
   1214             # python 3
   1215             if np.isscalar(key):  # pragma: no cover
-> 1216                 raise IndexError(key)
   1217             raise InvalidIndexError(key)

IndexError: VWPfgbm


IndexError: VWPfgbm

表示 df 没有名为 'VWPfgbm' 的列。 您可以通过检查 df.columns.


您可能想知道,如果 fgbmquote["VWPfgbm"]

df = pd.merge(df, fgblquote, on='DateTimes', how = "outer")

为什么 df 不包含列,"VWPfgbm"

可能发生这种情况的一个原因是 dffgblquote 都有 "VWPfgbm" 列。然后 pd.merge 通过在合并的 DataFrame 中命名列 "VWPfgbm_x""VWPfgbm_y" 来消除歧义。见 suffixes parameter of the pd.merge function.


import pandas as pd
foo = pd.DataFrame({'VWPfgbm':range(3), 'baz':list('ABC')})
bar = pd.DataFrame({'VWPfgbm':range(3,6), 'baz':list('CAB')})
pd.merge(foo, bar, on='baz', how='outer')


   VWPfgbm_x baz  VWPfgbm_y
0          0   A          4
1          1   B          5
2          2   C          3

您的错误是您用先前值的单个列覆盖了 df 变量。

df = df["VWPfgbl"].ffill()
df = df["VWPfgbm"].ffill()
df = df["VWPfgbs"].ffill()

那里的第一行将分配 df 变量,使其成为原始数据框的单个(填充)列。这就是它在第二行失败的原因,因为 df 现在没有任何其他列,所以你得到一个 IndexError.


df["VWPfgbl"] = df["VWPfgbl"].ffill()
df["VWPfgbm"] = df["VWPfgbm"].ffill()
df["VWPfgbs"] = df["VWPfgbs"].ffill()