MSP432p401r:CTLW0->BRW 的可能输入是什么?

MSP432p401r: What are the possible inputs to CTLW0->BRW?

我正在做的项目包括i2c。我正在查看数据表,但找不到如何使用预分频器设置 BRW。该寄存器的部分没有告诉我任何信息。就是第982页顶部的here。这个寄存器是如何影响SCL频率的?


链接手册的第 26.3.6 节说:

The 16-bit value of UCBRx in register UCBxBRW is the division factor of the eUSCI_B clock source, BRCLK. […] The BITCLK frequency is given by:

    fBitClock = fBRCLK/UCBRx

The minimum high and low periods of the generated SCL are:

    tLOW,MIN = tHIGH,MIN = (UCBRx/2)/fBRCLK when UCBRx is even

    tLOW,MIN = tHIGH,MIN = ((UCBRx – 1)/2)/fBRCLK when UCBRx is odd