自嵌套 SQL 加入

Self Nested SQL join

我需要这个结果table。 这是 3 列,我想要 3 个嵌套节点的结果。 真的,我希望每个节点都有自己和父节点,比如 result

ID/ Number/SelfRef
21092   100 NULL
21093   50  NULL
21094   30  21093
21095   20  21093
21096   -30 21093
21097   5   21095
21098   15  21095
21099   -5  21095


21097    5     21097
21097    5     21095 
21097    5     21093



    cte1 AS
    (   -- Recursively build the relationship tree
        SELECT      SelfRef
                ,   ID
                ,   AscendentLevel = 1
        FROM        [Kharid].[IdentityGharardadKalaTedad]
        UNION ALL
        SELECT      t.SelfRef
                ,   cte1.ID
                ,   AscendentLevel = cte1.AscendentLevel + 1
        FROM        cte1
        INNER JOIN  [Kharid].[IdentityGharardadKalaTedad]    t   ON t.ID = cte1.SelfRef
    cte2 AS
    (   -- Now find the ultimate parent
        SELECT      SelfRef
                ,   ID
                ,   rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY AscendentLevel DESC)
        FROM        cte1

FROM    cte2
Order by id