如何使用 Python 读写 Visio 形状数据

How to read and write Visio Shape Data with Python

检查 Visio 形状中的单元格时,以下代码未 return 预期值:

costVal= shpObj1.CellsU("Prop.Cost")
print (costVal) 

[注意 - 这是我在回答时删除的问题的摘要,但这是一个有用的问题,所以我想我会问并回答它。 ]

要在 Visio 中获取 ShapeSheet 单元格的值,您需要查询其中一个单元格的 Result properties

import os
import win32com.client

from win32com.client import constants

# this sample assumes that Visio is running, that the ActiveWindow
# is a Drawing window and that the Selection.PrimaryItem
# is a 'Decision' shape from the 'Basic Flowchart Shapes' stencil

# get the running app
appVisio = win32com.client.GetActiveObject("Visio.Application")

# selection gets you the 1 or more selected shapes and
# the PrimaryItem returns the main / primary item in that selection
# or null if the selection is empty
targetShp = appVisio.ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem

# set the cell
targetShp.CellsU("Prop.Cost").FormulaU = "=2.50"

# read the cell using its 'internal units' result property