Powermail: create fields from entries in database
我需要 Powermail 中的字段矩阵:
product_1 - price_1 - number_1
product_2 - price_2 - number_2
product_3 - price_3 - number_3
是否可以创建字段 "on the fly",可能是通过打字错误或 userfunc?
您可以使用 powermail 的 TypoScript
您也可以使用自己的字段类型,如 TSConfig 页面所述 here:
tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.new = New Field
# The label could also be written with LLL: to localize the label
# Example to grab a value from locallang.xml or locallang.xlf
#tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.new = LLL:EXT:ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:label
# Tell powermail that the new fieldtype will transmit anything else then a string (0:string, 1:array, 2:date, 3:file)
# Example for dataType array
#tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.new.dataType = 1
# The new field is not just a "show some text" field. It's a field where the user can send values and powermail stores the values?
# You can tell powermail that this new field should be exportable in backend module and via CommandController
#tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.new.export = 1
是字段标识。 Powermail 默认搜索带有标识符名称的部分,例如New.html
现在您可以使用 ViewHelper 获取数据并为字段创建 html。
这里是新字段的两个示例页面 TSConfig 行:
# Add new fields
tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.productsheet = Product Fields
tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.productsheet.dataType = 1
这里有一个示例 Productsheet.html 部分文件:
{namespace vh=In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers}
<h2><vh:string.escapeLabels>{field.title}</vh:string.escapeLabels><f:if condition="{field.mandatory}"><span class="mandatory">*</span></f:if></h2>
<th scope="col">Menge</th>
<th scope="col">Artikel Nr.</th>
<th scope="col">Bezeichnung</th>
<th scope="col">Preis Fr./m</th>
<f:for each="{0:1,1:2,2:3,3:4,4:5,5:6,6:7,7:8,8:9,9:10}" as="key">
<f:form.textfield type="number" class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][amount_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][article_no_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][description_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][price_{key}]" value="" />
下一步将是按您所写的那样即时插入字段。那么插入一个自己的 viewhelper 而不是在
现在您可以自己预填 value="" 字段了。
我需要 Powermail 中的字段矩阵:
product_1 - price_1 - number_1
product_2 - price_2 - number_2
product_3 - price_3 - number_3
是否可以创建字段 "on the fly",可能是通过打字错误或 userfunc?
您可以使用 powermail 的 TypoScript
您也可以使用自己的字段类型,如 TSConfig 页面所述 here:
tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.new = New Field
# The label could also be written with LLL: to localize the label
# Example to grab a value from locallang.xml or locallang.xlf
#tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.new = LLL:EXT:ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:label
# Tell powermail that the new fieldtype will transmit anything else then a string (0:string, 1:array, 2:date, 3:file)
# Example for dataType array
#tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.new.dataType = 1
# The new field is not just a "show some text" field. It's a field where the user can send values and powermail stores the values?
# You can tell powermail that this new field should be exportable in backend module and via CommandController
#tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.new.export = 1
是字段标识。 Powermail 默认搜索带有标识符名称的部分,例如New.html
现在您可以使用 ViewHelper 获取数据并为字段创建 html。
这里是新字段的两个示例页面 TSConfig 行:
# Add new fields
tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.productsheet = Product Fields
tx_powermail.flexForm.type.addFieldOptions.productsheet.dataType = 1
这里有一个示例 Productsheet.html 部分文件:
{namespace vh=In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers}
<h2><vh:string.escapeLabels>{field.title}</vh:string.escapeLabels><f:if condition="{field.mandatory}"><span class="mandatory">*</span></f:if></h2>
<th scope="col">Menge</th>
<th scope="col">Artikel Nr.</th>
<th scope="col">Bezeichnung</th>
<th scope="col">Preis Fr./m</th>
<f:for each="{0:1,1:2,2:3,3:4,4:5,5:6,6:7,7:8,8:9,9:10}" as="key">
<f:form.textfield type="number" class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][amount_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][article_no_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][description_{key}]" value="" />
<f:form.textfield class="mdl-textfield__input " name="field[{field.marker}][price_{key}]" value="" />
下一步将是按您所写的那样即时插入字段。那么插入一个自己的 viewhelper 而不是在 现在您可以自己预填 value="" 字段了。