如何在绘图本身的 Matlab 中添加图例元素

How to add legend elements in Matlab in the plot itself

我想以某种方式在 Matlab 中标记垂直线。我可以想象两种选择:要么在每条垂直线本身旁边添加图例条目,要么在图表中对垂直线进行编号,然后让数字重新出现在图例中。这有可能吗?


x 是日期数字的向量,y 是价格数据。 Date1 和 Date2 是作为 x 元素的日期。

plot(x,y), grid on;
line([Date1 Date1], ylim); % I would like to have a legend entry for this right at the line in the graph
line([Date2 Date2], ylim); % I would like to have a legend entry for this right at the line in the graph

我想你可能想使用 text objects instead of a legend. Here's an example (note that I had to use datetick instead of dateaxis because I don't have the Financial Toolbox):

% Some sample data:
x = datenum(now():(now()+days(6)));
y = 1:7;

% Plot data:
plot(x, y);
grid on;

% Make horizontal red lines:
line([x(1) x(1)], ylim, 'Color', 'r');
line([x(end) x(end)], ylim, 'Color', 'r');

% Add text:
text(x(1), mean(ylim), ' left');
text(x(end), mean(ylim), 'right ', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');
