IBM Cloud:如何在不使用时禁用分析引擎?

IBM Cloud: How to disable analytics engine when unused?

我在 IBM Cloud 上使用 Analytics Engine,但我在任何地方都看不到在我不工作时如何停止它。因此,当我使用 Lite 帐户时,需要一天时间才能消耗掉我所有的信用额度。 如何在我不工作时停止或暂停它?

Lite plan for the Analytics Engine cannot be paused根据服务FAQ:

The node-hours cannot be paused, for example, you cannot use 10 node-hours, pause, and then come back and use the remaining 40 node-hours.

延长集群使用时间的唯一选择是在不使用时缩小规模。 Resizing an Analytics Engine cluster can be done in different ways.

您可以使用 "Spark Environments"。它具有更灵活的计费模式,您只需为您主动使用的小时数付费,并在您关闭笔记本电脑或工作时停止。

Watson Studio Spark Environments

In Watson Studio, you can use:

Spark environments offered under Watson Studio.

All Watson Studio users can create Spark environments with varying hardware and software configurations. Spark environments offer Spark kernels as a service (SparkR, PySpark and Scala). Each kernel gets a dedicated Spark cluster and Spark executors. Spark environments are offered under Watson Studio and, like default environments, consume capacity unit hours (CUHs) that are tracked.

Spark services offered through IBM Cloud.

With IBM Analytics Engine, you are offered Hortonworks Data Platform on IBM Cloud. You get one VM per cluster node and your own local HDFS. You get Spark and the entire Hadoop ecosystem. You are given shell access and can also create notebooks. IBM Analytics Engine is not offered under Watson Studio; it must be purchased separately through IBM Cloud. See Add associated services.