如何多次替换两个 separators/strings 之间的唯一字符串

How to replace unique string between two separators/strings multiple times

我正在遍历一个 folder/directory 并读取所有文件,检查是否有某个标记,然后仅当它位于两个特定 strings/tags 之间时才多次替换特定字符串。 以下是文本文件的示例:

N1 000 001 002
N2 TAG#1 004 008
N3 This is an apple
N4 006 005 003
(( TAG#2 ))
N5 This is an apple

我想要一个解决方案,可以打开文件,检查 START $YESSTART $NO,并将 [=16] 之间的字符串 This is an apple 替换为 There is no apple =] 和 TAG#2 仅当存在 START $YES 时。我希望原始文件不受影响(创建新文件或使用 fileinput 库创建备份)。

我目前无法 post 我的 python 代码,但我会在回到办公桌后使用我尝试过的代码更新此 post。

import shutil

def func(srcname, dstname):
    replace = False
    with open(srcname) as srcfile:
        with open(dstname, 'w+') as dstfile:
            line = srcfile.readline().strip()
            if "START $NO" in line:
                shutil.copyfileobj(srcfile, dstfile)
            while line:
                if "TAG" in line and not replace:
                    replace = True
                if "TAG" in line and replace:
                    replace = False
                if replace and "This is an apple" in line:
                    line = line.replace("This is an apple", "There is no apple")
                line = srcfile.readline().strip()