Monaco Language Match Empty Line
我正在尝试 create a language definition for the Monaco editor。该语言是一种非常自以为是的语言,我无法控制编译器等
一些示例,使用 C++ 风格的注释:
// This comment \
continues on the following line
// This one does NOT continue \
because the escape char was itself escaped
// This one DOES continue because \\
the 1st '\' escapes the 2nd; the 3rd escapes EOL
// This comment continues to the following line \
But the line was empty. This should not be commented.
comments: [
[/\/\/$/, 'comment'], // empty single-line comment
[/\/\//, 'comment', '@comment_cpp'],
comment_cpp: [
[/(?:[^\]|(?:\.))+$/, 'comment', '@pop'],
[/.+$/, 'comment'],
// This comment continues to the following line \
and this one continues to the following empty line \
But this line is not commented
此问题已解决;摩纳哥团队添加了对 /$/
我正在尝试 create a language definition for the Monaco editor。该语言是一种非常自以为是的语言,我无法控制编译器等
结尾继续到下一行一些示例,使用 C++ 风格的注释:
// This comment \
continues on the following line
// This one does NOT continue \
because the escape char was itself escaped
// This one DOES continue because \\
the 1st '\' escapes the 2nd; the 3rd escapes EOL
// This comment continues to the following line \
But the line was empty. This should not be commented.
comments: [
[/\/\/$/, 'comment'], // empty single-line comment
[/\/\//, 'comment', '@comment_cpp'],
comment_cpp: [
[/(?:[^\]|(?:\.))+$/, 'comment', '@pop'],
[/.+$/, 'comment'],
// This comment continues to the following line \
and this one continues to the following empty line \
But this line is not commented
此问题已解决;摩纳哥团队添加了对 /$/