如何使用 Stack Exchange API 获取答案的正文?

How to get the body of an answer using the Stack Exchange API?

我正在使用 StackAPI 来获取投票最多的问题和这些问题的投票最多的答案:-

from stackapi import StackAPI
SITE = StackAPI('Whosebug')

questions = SITE.fetch('questions', min=20, tagged='python', sort='votes')
for quest in questions['items']:
    if 'title' not in quest or quest['is_answered'] == False:
    title = quest['title']
    print('Question :- {0}'.format(title))
    question_id = quest['question_id']
    print('Question ID :- {0}'.format(question_id))
    top_answer = SITE.fetch('questions/' + str(question_id) + '/answers', order = 'desc', sort='votes')
    print('Most Voted Answer ID :- {0}'.format(top_answer['items'][0]['answer_id']))

现在使用这个 answer_id 我想得到那个答案的正文。 我可以使用 this API link.


请参阅 Stack Apps 上的这些帖子:

  1. Get questions with body and answers
  2. How to get Question/Answer body in the API response using filters?
  3. My filter is not returning any results. How to create a minimal filter?

您需要使用 custom filter 来获取 question/answer/post 个实体。

好消息是,您还可以在获取问题的同时使用自定义过滤器获取答案数据——无需稍后 API 调用。

例如,如果您使用过滤器调用 /questions 路由:

You get results like:

"items": [ {
    "tags": ["python", "iterator", "generator", "yield", "coroutine"],
    "answers": [ {
        "owner": {"user_id": 8458, "display_name": "Douglas Mayle"},
        "is_accepted": false,
        "score": 248,
        "creation_date": 1224800643,
        "answer_id": 231778,
        "body": "<p><code>yield</code> is just like <code>return</code> - it returns what..."
        }, {
        "owner": {"user_id": 22656, "display_name": "Jon Skeet"},
        "is_accepted": false,
        "score": 139,
        "creation_date": 1224800766,
        "answer_id": 231788,
        "body": "<p>It's returning a generator. I'm not particularly familiar with Python, ..."
        }, {
    } ],
    "owner": {"user_id": 18300, "display_name": "Alex. S."},
    "is_answered": true,
    "accepted_answer_id": 231855,
    "answer_count": 40,
    "score": 8742,
    "creation_date": 1224800471,
    "question_id": 231767,
    "title": "What does the &quot;yield&quot; keyword do?"


questions = SITE.fetch('questions', min=20, tagged='python', sort='votes')


questions = SITE.fetch('questions', min=20, tagged='python', sort='votes', filter='!*SU8CGYZitCB.D*(BDVIficKj7nFMLLDij64nVID)N9aK3GmR9kT4IzT*5iO_1y3iZ)6W.G*')

然后相应地调整您的 for 循环。