
Mysql full text returnig NULL

我的 mysql 代码。

CREATE TABLE `videos` (
  `id` int(50) NOT NULL,
  `user_id` int(250) NOT NULL,
  `title` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
  `discription` text NOT NULL,
  `video_path` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
  `tumbnail_path` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
  `paid` int(250) NOT NULL,
  `date` date NOT NULL
INSERT INTO `videos` (`id`, `user_id`, `title`, `discription`, `video_path`, `tumbnail_path`, `paid`, `date`) VALUES
(1, 4, 'This is a new video', '<p>This is a new video from eduladder&nbsp;in at this video we are discribing how stuffs works</p>\r\n', 'uploadvid/xIdivzexFZXzr6bng2E9mU3PNvMVq0Iz.mp4', 'uploadthump/1AT1EsgJ--6iVLxEwEFRkWa9ADqqD1BG.jpg', 0, '2018-12-10'),
(2, 4, 'New Video for testig', '<p>This is a new video for testing purpose&nbsp;only</p>\r\n', 'uploadvid/_rsIHMc2giVoWV6aRixCoEUk0gKcDhDI.mp4', 'uploadthump/zA_t-2DMusUDvg9xVPwmRAn5-59He76-.jpg', 0, '2018-12-12'),
(3, 4, 'Some New Videos', '<p>This is a record of some new videos</p>\r\n', 'uploadvid/jPzlU3xSJaZVm7EzZu_JfaXq8kAK_1Vc.mp4', 'uploadthump/M_SZodSk20ba2FsXw3X1WVq7a48S_cj3.jpg', 0, '2018-12-13'),
(4, 4, 'Old video', '<p>This is an old video</p>\r\n', 'uploadvid/yaYiDBru2c7fCcosPmrj94JhZ5waxbu8.mp4', 'uploadthump/FhRXXen99DEa0d-8w5m2FDcvFyxlZgx4.png', 0, '2018-12-13'),
(5, 4, 'Almost new video and edited', '<p>This is about almost new video and editted&nbsp;version</p>\r\n', 'uploadvid/YOVPqiFO5xUnCtFAdYzgiY2wzsCnSQ11.mp4', 'uploadthump/MO1faxOKDNESee0gG5SQZYeantzlrPYM.png', 0, '2018-12-13');
ALTER TABLE `videos` ADD FULLTEXT(`title`,`discription`);


MATCH (title, discription) AGAINST ('New') AS score
FROM videos
WHERE MATCH (title, discription) AGAINST ('New')
ORDER BY score



好像是myisam引擎Full text Stop-words的问题,我把引擎改成InnoDB,可以得到结果。

看到这个 link。 Full-Text Stopwords

要完全禁用停用词,请将此 ft_stopword_file = '' 添加到您的数据库配置文件中,修复 table 以重建索引, REPAIR TABLE tbl_name QUICK。并重启服务器

由于您在评论中要求它与 MySql 5.5 一起使用:

Plz see the udated code innodb wont work it is myql version <5.6

那么这是两种不同的情况。对于 MySql 5.7,停用词列表仅适用。

但是对于 MySql 5.5 从你最近的 fiddle 这是两个原因:

这不起作用的第一个原因是因为您要搜索的词出现在总行的 50% 或更多中,因此它被视为 Common Word,因此不会匹配.见 Mysql 5.5 FullText Search Docs :

There are three types of full-text searches:

A natural language search interprets the search string as a phrase in natural human language (a phrase in free text). There are no special operators, with the exception of double quote (") characters. The stopword list applies. In addition, words that are present in 50% or more of the rows are considered common and do not match.

而第二个是因为默认情况下全文搜索长度设置为 4。因此您需要在 my.cnf 中更改它并添加值:

ft_min_word_len = 3


但由于在 db-fiddle 中我无法修改长度,这里是一个 modified working fiddle,其中使用了单词 OlderOlder 未出现在 50% 的行中,其长度为 >= 4.