Worksheet_Change 阻止添加行

Worksheet_Change Preventing Rows from being added

在编程方面我远不是新手,因为我在网上找到 VBA 代码并尝试根据我的目的重新配置它。


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

    Dim ThisRow As Long ' make sure to declare all the variables and appropriate types
    ThisRow = Target.Row

    If Target.Column >= 1 And Target.Column <= 1 Then

        Dim sOld As String, sNew As String
        sNew = Target.Value 'capture new value

        With Application
            .EnableEvents = False
        End With

        sOld = Target.Value 'capture old value
        Target.Value = sNew 'reset new value

        If sOld <> sNew Then

            ' time stamp & username corresponding to cell's last update
            Range("L" & ThisRow).Value = Now & Environ("username")

        End If

        Application.EnableEvents = True

    End If
End Sub

A 运行-时间错误“13”:

Type Mismatch window pops up. If I hit end the row is added or deleted, but if I add On Error Resume Next to the code, the pop-up doesn't pop, but the row also doesn't get deleted or added.


编辑: 忘了提到调试突出显示 sNew = Target.Value 'capture new value 作为问题。

Target 可以是多单元格范围(如添加新行时),因此在这些情况下您不能将其值分配给字符串类型变量。


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

    If Target.Columns.Count = Me.Columns.Count Then Exit Sub 

    'or even 
    'If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub 

    'rest of code here