每行有字符限制的多行 NSString

Multiline NSString with a character limit per line

我想构造一个多行 NSString(用于打印目的),每行有一个字符限制。每行最多应包含 25 个字符。行数可以是基于字符串长度的任何值。 这是我的方法,我猜这不是最好的。在不手动检查字符串长度的情况下执行此操作的最佳方法是什么?

NSString *strComment;
NSMutableString* strCustomerComments = [NSMutableString string];

if([strComment length]<=25){
   [strCustomerComments appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",strComment]];
      [strCustomerComments appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@",[[strComment substringToIndex:25],[strComment substringFromIndex:25]]];


NSString* strTemp = @"Welcome to the jannat and here you will get idea about what happend what you need my support so let start to figure out issue.Welcome to the jannat and here you will get idea about what happend what you need my support so let start to figure out issue.Welcome to the jannat and here you will get idea about what happend what you need my support so let start to figure out issue.Welcome to the jannat and here you will get idea about what happend what you need my support so let start to figure out issue.Welcome to the jannat and here you will get idea about what happend what you need my support so let start to figure out issue.Welcome to the jannat and here you will get idea about what happend what you need my support so let start to figure out issue.Welcome to the jannat and here you will get idea about what happend what you need my support so let start to figure out issue.+++++";

    NSMutableString* strNewString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];

    NSInteger addExtra = 0;

    NSInteger noofFixedCharecterPerLine = 25;

    for (int i=0; i<([strTemp length]/noofFixedCharecterPerLine); i++) {

        NSInteger FixedLength = noofFixedCharecterPerLine;
        if (i==(([strTemp length]/noofFixedCharecterPerLine))-1) {

            FixedLength = [strTemp length]-1 - ((i*noofFixedCharecterPerLine)+addExtra);


        NSRange range = NSMakeRange((i*noofFixedCharecterPerLine)+addExtra, FixedLength);

        NSString* subString = [strTemp substringWithRange:range];

        if (i!=0) {
            [strNewString appendFormat:@"\n%@",subString];
            [strNewString appendFormat:@"%@",subString];

    NSLog(@"print : %@",strNewString);


我有一个非常快捷的方法-(NSArray *)breakStringIntoParts:(NSString *)sentence noOfParts:(int )noOfParts,肯定会有帮助。


2015-05-11 13:04:25.120 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 1 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=I want to construct a mul
2015-05-11 13:04:25.121 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 2 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=ti line NSString (for pri
2015-05-11 13:04:25.122 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 3 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=nting purpose) with a cha
2015-05-11 13:04:25.122 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 4 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=racter limit per line. Ea
2015-05-11 13:04:25.122 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 5 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=ch line should have maxim
2015-05-11 13:04:25.122 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 6 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=um of 25 characters. Numb
2015-05-11 13:04:25.123 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 7 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=er of lines can be anythi
2015-05-11 13:04:25.123 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 8 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=ng based on the length of
2015-05-11 13:04:25.123 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 9 Cntains 25 Characters i.e= the string. This is my a
2015-05-11 13:04:25.123 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 10 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=pproach which is not the 
2015-05-11 13:04:25.123 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 11 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=best I guess. Whats is th
2015-05-11 13:04:25.139 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 12 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=e best way to do this wit
2015-05-11 13:04:25.139 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 13 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=hout manually checking th
2015-05-11 13:04:25.140 vghnfgh[1011:15475] Line 14 Cntains 25 Characters i.e=e length of the string?


- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    line=@"I want to construct a multi line NSString (for printing purpose) with a character limit per line. Each line should have maximum of 25 characters. Number of lines can be anything based on the length of the string. This is my approach which is not the best I guess. Whats is the best way to do this without manually checking the length of the string?";

    NSMutableArray *arrSentenceParts=[self breakStringIntoParts:line noOfParts:25];


-(NSArray *)breakStringIntoParts:(NSString *)sentence noOfParts:(int )noOfParts
    NSMutableArray *arrResult=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; //to store character array each of 25 character long.

    NSMutableArray *range=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];

    float rangeBreak =([sentence length] /noOfParts)+1; // this line divide how many objects will be there of 25 chars .

    for( int i=0;i<rangeBreak;i++)
        [range addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]]; // storing each range in an array;


    NSInteger characterCount=0; // responsible for iterating the whole sentence
    for (int j=0; j < [range count]; j++) {  //looping and adding 25 characters in each range of arrResult
        NSMutableArray *characters = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
        for (NSInteger i=0; i < noOfParts; i++) {
            if(characterCount==[sentence length]) //stop the iteration on reaching last index of sentence
            NSString *ichar  = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c", [sentence characterAtIndex:characterCount]];
            [characters addObject:ichar]; //storing each  character in character array
        [arrResult addObject:characters]; //now add final character array in arrResult

    NSMutableArray *strMergedArr=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; //will be storing   Array of strings
    for(int k=0;k<[arrResult count];k++)
        NSString *resultString = [[arrResult objectAtIndex:k] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; //merging all the characters in specific index of arrResult and storing in NSString

        [strMergedArr addObject:resultString]; // adding one by one in Merged Array of Strings
         NSLog(@"Line %d Cntains 25 Characters i.e=%@",k+1,[strMergedArr objectAtIndex:k]); // demo purpose can be commented


    return strMergedArr; // finally returning the Array of Strings , and each string length 25 Charcters .



- (NSString *)splitString:(NSString *)string byWidth:(NSUInteger)width
    NSUInteger index = 0, length = [string length];
    NSMutableString *outString = [NSMutableString new];
    while (length > 0) {
        if ([outString length] > 0)
            [outString appendString:@"\n"];
        NSUInteger lineLen = MIN(length - index, width);
        [outString appendString:[string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(index, lineLen)]];
        length -= lineLen;
        index += lineLen;
    return outString;