
How to constrain generic function associated types

我正在尝试采用两个具有相同关联类型和 return 相同类型的协议,但运气不佳。

protocol MyProtocol {
    associatedtype AssociatedType

func myFunc<T: MyProtocol, R: MyProtocol>(arg: T) -> R
    where T.AssociatedType == R.AssociatedType {
        return arg //Error-> Cannot convert return expression of type 'T' to return type 'R'

在 Swift 中有这样的可能吗?

两种类型(称它们为 TR)不一定等同,只是因为它们遵循相同的协议并使用相同的关联类型。

根据这个推理,Array<Int>Set<Int> 相同,应该可以自由互换,因为它们都符合 Collection,其中 ElementInt.


protocol MyProtocol {
    associatedtype AssociatedType


protocol MySubProtocol1: MyProtocol where AssociatedType == Int {}
protocol MySubProtocol2: MyProtocol where AssociatedType == Int {}

struct S1: MySubProtocol1 {}
struct S2: MySubProtocol2 {}

func myFunc<T: MyProtocol, R: MyProtocol>(arg: T) -> R
    where T.AssociatedType == R.AssociatedType {
        return arg as! R // Let's see what would happen. Don't do this!

func produce<T: MySubProtocol1>(type: T.Type) -> T {
    return T()

func consume<T: MySubProtocol2>(arg: T, ofType: T.Type) {

consume(arg: myFunc(arg: produce(type: S1.self)), ofType: S2.self)

Terminated due to signal: ABORT TRAP (6)

Could not cast value of type 'main.S1' (0x100e44210) to 'main.S2' (0x100e44228).