我怎样才能在 C++ 中循环对

How can I loop over pair in c++

我正在尝试成对打印元素,但出现错误:"no matching function call"

#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    pair<int, string> pairVec;
    pairVec = make_pair(1, "One");
    pairVec = make_pair(2, "Two");
    pairVec = make_pair(3, "Three");
    for(auto iter:pairVec)
        std::cout << "First: " << iter.first << ", Second: "
                  << iter.second << std::endl;
    return 0;


int main()
    std::vector<pair<int, string>> pairVec;  // create a vector of pairs
    pairVec.emplace_back(1, "One"); // adding pairs to the vector
    pairVec.emplace_back(2, "Two");
    pairVec.emplace_back(3, "Three");
    for (auto iter : pairVec) {
        std::cout << "First: " << iter.first << ", Second: "
        << iter.second << std::endl;
    return 0;