BASH 参数扩展期间单引号行为不一致的原因?

Reason for inconsistent behavior of single quotes during BASH parameter expansion?

当使用 BASH Parameter Expansion 时,变量扩展成的字符串可以是 quoted/escaped,这工作正常,除非使用单引号并且整个变量以双引号转义报价:

$ echo "${var:-\a}"
\a # ok
$ echo "${var:-"\a"}"
\a # ok
$ echo "${var:-$'\a'}"
\a # ok
$ echo "${var:-'\a'}"
'\a' # wtf?

有趣的是,$' ' 引号可以正常使用,而 ' ' 则不能。如果变量本身未被引用,单引号开始正常工作:

$ echo ${var:-'\a'}

但是,如果 $var 本身包含空白字符,这可能会导致其他问题。


我认为这是源代码中最相关的引用 (

  /* Based on which dolstate is currently in (param, op, or word),
     decide what the op is.  We're really only concerned if it's % or
     #, so we can turn on a flag that says whether or not we should
     treat single quotes as special when inside a double-quoted
     ${...}. This logic must agree with subst.c:extract_dollar_brace_string
     since they share the same defines. */


  /* The big hammer.  Single quotes aren't special in double quotes.  The
     problem is that Posix used to say the single quotes are semi-special:
     within a double-quoted ${...} construct "an even number of
     unescaped double-quotes or single-quotes, if any, shall occur." */
  /* This was changed in Austin Group Interp 221 */
