使用文本字段更改 cell.label.text 在更改第二个 cell.label.text 后不会保存

Using a textfield to change cell.label.text doesn't save after changing second cell.label.text


protocol ChangeVitalsViewControllerDelegate {
    func changeVitalValue(vital: String, indexPath: Int)

protocol VitalViewControllerDelegate {
    func selected()

class VitalCell: UICollectionViewCell {

    @IBOutlet weak var vitalTitleLabel: UILabel!

    var vitalDelegate: VitalViewControllerDelegate!
    var buttonAction: ((Any) -> Void)?

    @IBAction func infoButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {

class ManualVitalsInputViewController: UIViewController {

    var delegate: ChangeVitalsViewControllerDelegate!
    var currentIndex: Int!

    @IBAction func saveButtonTapped(_ sender: Any) {
        delegate.changeVitalValue(vital: enterInfoTextfield.text!, indexPath: currentIndex)
        dismiss(animated: true)


class VitalsViewController: UIViewController{

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {

        let vital = vitals[indexPath.row]
        cell.imageView.image = vital.image

        if indexPath.row == changedVitalIndexPath && changedManualVital != nil {
            cell.vitalTitleLabel.text = changedManualVital
        } else if manuallyChangedVitalsArrayIndexs.contains(indexPath.row){
            cell.vitalTitleLabel.text = changedManualVital//pretty sure this is issue but not sure what else to put here
        } else {
            cell.vitalTitleLabel.text = vital.title

        cell.vitalDelegate = self

        cell.buttonAction = { sender in
            self.currentIndexPath = indexPath.row

extension VitalsViewController: VitalViewControllerDelegate {

    func selected() {
        let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ManualVitalsInputViewController") as! ManualVitalsInputViewController
        vc.delegate = self
        vc.currentIndex = currentIndexPath

        present(vc, animated: false)

extension VitalsViewController: ChangeVitalsViewControllerDelegate {

    func changeVitalValue(vital: String, indexPath: Int) {
        self.changedManualVital = vital
        self.changedVitalIndexPath = indexPath

        NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "load"), object: nil)// this is used to reload collectionview


您错过了 table 单元格被重新使用,因此您需要将编辑保存到模型然后重新加载 table,所以 delcare

var arr = [String](repeating: "", count: numberOfRows)


arr[indexPath] = vital


cell.vitalTitleLabel.text = arr[indexPath.row] 

如果您已经有另一个数据源数组,那么考虑为 1 个数组创建一个结构