如何在 Github 桌面版中 'Git stash'?

How do I 'Git stash' in Github Desktop?

由于涉及 SSH 的一些奇怪问题(我也是 git 的新手)我无法通过命令行为 git 项目做出贡献,所以不得不使用 GUI Github桌面。

一切都很顺利,直到我的同事在一夜之间做出了一些改变。由于与我的本地文件冲突(大约有 30 个文件已更新),我无法将它们拉到我的本地。

如何在 Github Desktop 中用他的更改简单地覆盖我所有的本地文件?


按照以下步骤操作: 1. 从当前分支创建一个新分支。
3. 拉出远程分支。
4. Cherry 从新分支中挑选所有有效提交。


您需要 GitHub Desktop V2.0.0,现在(2019 年 6 月)支持 stashing

desktop/desktop issue 6107, and its design

I imagine this is someone working on a feature branch who wants to move to master, and wants their changes to stay on the feature branch.

  • Users will only (at least at first) create stashes when switching branches.
  • We'll prompt them with a modal asking what they want to do with their uncommitted changes.
  • If they want their changes to stay, we'll create a stash for them.
  • When they return to that branch, they'll be able to click into and see their stash, clear and apply/pop it.
  • This also encourages the current default behavior of taking uncommitted changes with you to a new branch