日历项目更新时出现 Exchange 错误:- 至少有一个收件人无效

Exchange Error on Calendar item update :- At least one recipient isn't valid

这是访问我的 outlook 日历项的代码,更改它们的主题,添加一些扩展 属性 并自行更新。但是我收到一个错误

At least one recipient isn't valid



public void AccessCalendarItems()
    // Specify a view that returns up to 1000 items.
    ItemView view = new ItemView(1000);

    // Specify a calendar view for returning instances between matching dates.
    DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2015, 5, 1);
    DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2015, 9, 1);
    CalendarView calView = new CalendarView(startDate, endDate);

    //string querystring = "Subject:'Doctor'";

        // Find all the appointments in the calendar based on the dates set in the CalendarView. - Currently Disabled
        // Find all the appointments in the calendar based on the sunject content (get first 1000 items)
        int i = 123123;
        SearchFilter subjectFilter = new SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring(AppointmentSchema.Subject, "Doctor");
        FindItemsResults<Item> instanceResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, subjectFilter, view);

        foreach (Item item in instanceResults.Items)
            Appointment appointment = item as Appointment;
            appointment.Subject = appointment.Subject + " - KR";
            ExtendedPropertyDefinition extendedPropertyDefinition = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(DefaultExtendedPropertySet.PublicStrings, "BookingKey", MapiPropertyType.String);
            appointment.SetExtendedProperty(extendedPropertyDefinition, i);
    catch (Exception ex)
        MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);

感谢您的帮助,Kushan Randima。

尝试使用支持传递 SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode 枚举的 Update 重载版本,然后传递 SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode.SendToNone。这将确保服务器不会尝试向与会者发送会议更新。