在 python 中为动态函数添加装饰器
Add decorator to dynamic function in python
我的要求是复制函数代码,然后用新名称重命名,并根据 JSON 配置附加多个装饰器,然后将最终函数附加到模块。
我不想通过 JINJA2 模板来做,因为我必须生成 1.5k+ 方法签名来生成基于函数装饰器签名的 UI 组件。
@inport("IN", description="Packets to be written", type=str)
@inport("FILEPATH", description="File name", type=str)
@outport("OUT", required=False, description="Output port, if connected",type=str)
def dynamicFuncNameBasedOnConfig(IN, FILEPATH, OUT):
Write each packet from IN to a line FILEPATH, and also pass it
through to OUT.
#some logic rest api calls
如果函数体每次都需要不同,那就更难了。您可以使用内置 exec
函数之类的东西在 运行 时间将字符串转换为代码,但这并不安全(您让制作配置文件的人编写您的代码 -所以现在它可以做任何事情)而且对用户不友好(你还不如一开始就自己写)。不过,这听起来可能就是您要找的东西,因为您正在谈论为用户提供 运行 时间代码编辑器。
装饰器只是将函数作为输入的函数,因此您可以根据需要调用它们,而不是使用通常的语法来应用它们。例如,假设每个 dynamic_func_name_based_on_config
将使用相同的函数体(我将其称为 use_ports
dynamic_func_name_based_on_config = component(inport("IN", description="Packets to be written", type=str)(inport("FILEPATH", description="File name", type=str)(outport("OUT", required=False, description="Output port, if connected",type=str)(must_run(use_ports)))))
当然,这已经很难理解了,但是这个想法是,例如 inport("IN", description="Packets to be written", type=str)
给了我们一个函数,我们在 use_ports
def apply_decorators(func, *decorators):
# Notice that with both the decorator syntax and with function calls, the
# last one that appears is the first to apply. So when we do this with a
# loop, we want to reverse the order.
for d in reversed(decorators):
func = d(func)
return func
dynamic_func_name_based_on_config = apply_decorators(
inport("IN", description="Packets to be written", type=str),
inport("FILEPATH", description="File name", type=str),
outport("OUT", required=False, description="Output port, if connected", type=str),
并且假设这是一个通用模式,其中只有我们应用的 description
s 不同:
def make_described_port_user(in_desc, path_desc, out_desc):
# Create a version of use_ports that has the ports described via
# the inport/outport decorators, as well as applying the others.
return apply_decorators(
inport("IN", description=in_desc, type=str),
inport("FILEPATH", description=path_desc, type=str),
outport("OUT", required=False, description=out_desc, type=str),
dynamic_func_name_based_on_config = make_described_port_user(
# Now we can just read these port descriptions from the config file, I guess.
"Packets to be written",
"File name",
"Output port, if connected"
最后,您可以通过修改 globals()
config_name = "dynamic_func_name_based_on_config" # we actually read it from the file
globals()[config_name] = make_described_port_user(
# similarly, fill in the arguments here
我的要求是复制函数代码,然后用新名称重命名,并根据 JSON 配置附加多个装饰器,然后将最终函数附加到模块。
我不想通过 JINJA2 模板来做,因为我必须生成 1.5k+ 方法签名来生成基于函数装饰器签名的 UI 组件。
@inport("IN", description="Packets to be written", type=str)
@inport("FILEPATH", description="File name", type=str)
@outport("OUT", required=False, description="Output port, if connected",type=str)
def dynamicFuncNameBasedOnConfig(IN, FILEPATH, OUT):
Write each packet from IN to a line FILEPATH, and also pass it
through to OUT.
#some logic rest api calls
如果函数体每次都需要不同,那就更难了。您可以使用内置 exec
函数之类的东西在 运行 时间将字符串转换为代码,但这并不安全(您让制作配置文件的人编写您的代码 -所以现在它可以做任何事情)而且对用户不友好(你还不如一开始就自己写)。不过,这听起来可能就是您要找的东西,因为您正在谈论为用户提供 运行 时间代码编辑器。
装饰器只是将函数作为输入的函数,因此您可以根据需要调用它们,而不是使用通常的语法来应用它们。例如,假设每个 dynamic_func_name_based_on_config
将使用相同的函数体(我将其称为 use_ports
dynamic_func_name_based_on_config = component(inport("IN", description="Packets to be written", type=str)(inport("FILEPATH", description="File name", type=str)(outport("OUT", required=False, description="Output port, if connected",type=str)(must_run(use_ports)))))
当然,这已经很难理解了,但是这个想法是,例如 inport("IN", description="Packets to be written", type=str)
给了我们一个函数,我们在 use_ports
def apply_decorators(func, *decorators):
# Notice that with both the decorator syntax and with function calls, the
# last one that appears is the first to apply. So when we do this with a
# loop, we want to reverse the order.
for d in reversed(decorators):
func = d(func)
return func
dynamic_func_name_based_on_config = apply_decorators(
inport("IN", description="Packets to be written", type=str),
inport("FILEPATH", description="File name", type=str),
outport("OUT", required=False, description="Output port, if connected", type=str),
并且假设这是一个通用模式,其中只有我们应用的 description
s 不同:
def make_described_port_user(in_desc, path_desc, out_desc):
# Create a version of use_ports that has the ports described via
# the inport/outport decorators, as well as applying the others.
return apply_decorators(
inport("IN", description=in_desc, type=str),
inport("FILEPATH", description=path_desc, type=str),
outport("OUT", required=False, description=out_desc, type=str),
dynamic_func_name_based_on_config = make_described_port_user(
# Now we can just read these port descriptions from the config file, I guess.
"Packets to be written",
"File name",
"Output port, if connected"
最后,您可以通过修改 globals()
config_name = "dynamic_func_name_based_on_config" # we actually read it from the file
globals()[config_name] = make_described_port_user(
# similarly, fill in the arguments here