无法将 android 库添加到 JCenter

Can't add android library to JCenter

根据这篇文章,我正在尝试使用 Bintray 将库发布到 JCenter:https://medium.com/@anitaa_1990/6-easy-steps-to-upload-your-android-library-to-bintray-jcenter-59e6030c8890

我已成功将库添加到 Bintray,但是当我单击“添加到 JCenter”按钮并发送撰写消息时 - 我收到 错误

Failed to send a message: Package should include sources as part of the package.


您的 Bintray Maven 包不包含 sources,仅包含 .aar.pom。在 blog post isn't linked to JCenter, see blog's package here.

Bintray 的 wiki 声明您必须包含 sources

我会使用这个 blog post or this one,其中包实际上链接到 JCenter。

对于今天到达此处的开发人员,请确保您的配置文件在 publishing{} 中包含 artifact(sourcesJar.get()),如下面的这些行(不完整 build.gradle.kts)。

val sourcesJar by tasks.registering(Jar::class) {
    classifier = "sources"

publishing {
  publications {
    create<MavenPublication>("default") {

  publications.invoke {
    publicationName(MavenPublication::class) {
      artifactId = artifactID
      artifact(sourcesJar.get()) // This line