管理员用户的常规设置中的权限被拒绝更改 - Odoo 10

Permission denied change in General setting for admin user - Odoo 10


我的 odoo 管理员帐户无故更改了他的访问权限 当我点击 "General setting" 中的任何内容时,它会给我:

Odoo Warning - Validation Error The operation cannot be completed, probably due to the following: - deletion: you may be trying to delete a record while other records still reference it - creation/update: a mandatory field is not correctly set

[object with reference: Users - res.users]


2018-12-16 14:37:40,087 20622 INFO CMS odoo.sql_db: bad query: INSERT INTO "base_config_settings" ("id", "fail_counter", "module_google_drive", "company_share_product", "company_id", "module_base_import", "module_inter_company_rules", "module_share", "auth_signup_uninvited", "module_portal", "module_google_calendar", "group_multi_currency", "group_multi_company", "auth_signup_template_user_id", "group_product_variant", "alias_domain", "module_auth_oauth", "auth_signup_reset_password", "company_share_partner", "create_uid", "write_uid", "create_date", "write_date") VALUES(nextval('base_config_settings_id_seq'), 0, false, true, 1, true, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, 10, '0', 'gmail.com', false, true, true, 12, 12, (now() at time zone 'UTC'), (now() at time zone 'UTC')) RETURNING id

我尝试更新模块 -d -u all 我只发现一个警告

2018-12-16 11:34:45,152 3972 WARNING CMS odoo.modules.loading: The transient model base.config.settings (base.config.settings) should not have explicit access rules!

有人能帮我吗,我使用的是 odoo 版本 10

你能把终端日志粘贴到上面至少 15-20 行吗 >> 018-12-16 14:37:40,087 20622 INFO CMS odoo.sql_db: 错误查询:....


问题出在字段 auth_signup_template_user

当我 运行 在 pgadmin 中查询以确定错误行在哪里.. 它是不正确的值 = 10 不与其他 table

现场位置 在调试心情 > 设置 > 技术 > 参数 > 系统参数

标准值 = 5 在我的例子中是 10 .. 所以当我返回值时,一般设置中的错误消息消失了
