使 PrismJS 语法突出显示在 Aurelia 中工作

Making PrismJS syntax highliting work in Aurelia

我正在尝试在我的 Aurelia 应用程序(基于打字稿)中添加 PrismJS 作为语法高亮,我已经完成了一半,如下所示

1- 安装 prismjs

yarn add prismjs

2- 添加 css & 代码部分

  <require from="prismjs/themes/prism.css"></require>

  <pre><code class="language-sql">${highlightedSQL}</code></pre>


import "prismjs";
import prismsql from "prismjs/components/prism-sql";

let Prism; // very weird, I have to declare a global variable, other wise it won't work(typescript error)
export class Detail {

highlight() {
    this.highlightedSQL = Prism.highlight(data.sql, Prism.languages.sql, 'sql');


Unhandled rejection TypeError: Cannot read property 'highlight' of undefined


生病 post 我的评论作为答案只是为了关闭问题。

而不是 import "prismjs";let Prism; 你应该 import Prism from 'prismjs';