
How to check that the object isn't the last and how to handle it if it is?




int getLargestUnassignedWard() {
        Bag lsoaGeoms = centroidsLayer.getGeometries();

        System.out.println("Getting Largest Unassigned Wards!");

        int highestOSVI = -1;
        MasonGeometry myCopy = null;

        for (Object o : lsoaGeoms) {
            MasonGeometry masonGeometry = (MasonGeometry) o;
            int id = masonGeometry.getIntegerAttribute("ID");
            String lsoaID = masonGeometry.getStringAttribute("LSOA_NAME");
            int tempOSVI = masonGeometry.getIntegerAttribute("L_GL_OSVI_");
            Point highestWard = masonGeometry.geometry.getCentroid();
            System.out.println(lsoaID + " - OSVI rating: " + tempOSVI + ", ID: " + id);
            if (assignedWards.contains(id))

            // tempOSVI = the attribute in the "L_GL_OSVI_" column - ints
            if (tempOSVI > highestOSVI) { // if temp is higher than highest
                highestOSVI = tempOSVI; // update highest to temp
                myCopy = masonGeometry; // update myCopy, which is a POLYGON

        if (myCopy == null) {
            System.out.println("ALERT: LSOA Baselayer is null!");
            return -1; // no ID to find if myCopy is null, so just return a fake value

        int id = myCopy.getIntegerAttribute("ID"); // Here, id changes to the highestOSVI
        assignedWards.add(id); // add ID to the "assignedWards" ArrayList
        System.out.println("Highest OSVI Raiting is: " + myCopy.getIntegerAttribute("L_GL_OSVI_") + " for LSOA ID: "
                + id + " (" + myCopy.getStringAttribute("LSOA_NAME") + ")");
        System.out.println("Current list of Largest Unassigned Wards: " + assignedWards); // Prints out: the ID for the highestOSVI
        return myCopy.getIntegerAttribute("ROAD_ID"); // return Road_ID for the chosen LSOA to visit

I've just realised that at some point I am going to reach the end of that Bag and I need my method to alert me that it has reached the last object in the bag.



for (Iterator it = lsoaGeoms.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    MasonGeometry masonGeometry = (MasonGeometry)it.next();
    boolean isLast = !it.hasNext();
    // ...

旁注:我强烈建议使用类型参数而不是原始类型和类型转换。例如,lsoaGeoms 将是 Bag<MasonGeometry>,等等