为什么 Elastic Cloud 提供专用端口 (9243) 而不是仅使用默认端口 (443)?

Why does Elastic Cloud provides a specialized port (9243) instead of only using the default one (443)?

我刚刚设置了一个 Elastic Cloud 部署,想知道为什么我的端点有一个特定的端口 (9243) 而默认的 HTTPS 端口 443 也可以工作?


Port 9200 is used for HTTP connections, ports 9243 and 443 are used for HTTPS. Using HTTPS is generally recommended, as it is more secure.

我认为这种行为将来不会改变。但是,我建议发送电子邮件至 support@elastic.co 以了解为什么 2 个端口用于 HTTPS 访问。

我从 Elastic Cloud 服务台收到了这个答复:

Thank you for reaching out. You are correct that we allow both port 9243 and 443 for HTTPS in Elastic Cloud. There is no functional difference whether you use one port or the other for HTTPS, and we have no plans to phase one of the ports out. It is completely up to you which port you decide to start with.