Intellij 2018.3.1 无法从 SBT 项目转储项目结构

Intellij 2018.3.1 Unable to dump project structure from SBT project

从 2018.2 更新到 Intellij Ultimate 2018.3 破坏了我在 SBT 下的一个项目的项目同步。

这取决于 build.sbt

中的另一个 git 仓库
val commonScheme = "git+ssh://git@"
lazy val commonsGit =
      ProjectRef(uri(s"${commonScheme}"), "commons")        
lazy val root =  Project("root", file("."))

在项目导入期间,Intellij 可以转储项目结构但无法导入到 Intellij 项目模型并出现以下错误:URI scheme is not "file" :


;reload; set in Global := "download resolveClassifiers" ;*/*:dumpStructureTo /private/var/folders/fh/63rcbt095332gl82cg0zv_p00000gn/T/sbt-structure.xml; session clear-all
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/me/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/me/dev/base-project/project
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/me/.sbt/0.13/staging/0f1bc3a71daf6972d134/ak-spark-common/project
[info] Set current project to common-project (in build file:/Users/me/dev/common-project/)
[info] Defining */*:sbtStructureOptions
[info] The new value will be used by */*:ssOptions
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to common-project (in build file:/Users/me/dev/common-project/)
[info] Resolving [dependencies]
[info] Writing structure to /private/var/folders/fh/63rcbt095332gl82cg0zv_p00000gn/T/sbt-structure.xml...
[info] Done.
[success] Total time: 31 s, completed Dec 18, 2018 12:19:55 PM
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to common-project (in build file:/Users/me/dev/common-project/)
URI scheme is not "file"

否则该项目有效(在命令行中使用 SBT 编译 + 运行)。

由于 IntelliJ 无法转储项目结构,因此无法在我的代码中导入库,因此 IDE 无用。


Issue should be fixed since 2018.3.519 version:

You could get nightly build here:

  • 订阅每晚构建
  • 将 Intellij 的 Scala 插件更新到高于 2018.3.519
  • 的版本
  • 刷新项目