PCL feature matching failure
我试图通过更改许多参数来匹配我测试的两个点云之间的特征,但它总是产生错误的匹配。我正在计算 SIFT 特征的 PFH 特征描述符。
// load the both point clouds
pcl::io::loadPCDFile("Tee.pcd", *cloud_1);
pcl::PLYReader Reader;
Reader.read("tee.ply", *cloud_2);
//pcl::io::loadPCDFile("Tee.pcd", *cloud_2);
// Create the filtering object
pcl::PassThrough<pcl::PointXYZRGB> pass;
pass.setFilterLimits(0.0, 1.0);
//pass.setFilterLimitsNegative (true);
// Downsample the cloud
const float voxel_grid_leaf_size = 0.009f;
downsample(cloud_1, voxel_grid_leaf_size, downsampledCloud_1);
std::cout << "First cloud: downsampled " << std::endl;
const float voxel_grid_leaf_size2 = 0.003f;
downsample(cloud_2_filtered, voxel_grid_leaf_size2, downsampledCloud_2);
std::cout << "second cloud: downsampled " << std::endl;
// Compute surface normals
const float normal_radius = 0.03;
compute_surface_normals(downsampledCloud_1, normal_radius, normalsFromCloud_1);
compute_surface_normals(downsampledCloud_2, normal_radius, normalsFromCloud_2);
std::cout << "second cloud: normals computed " << std::endl;
// Compute keypoints
const float min_scale = 0.01;
const int nr_octaves = 3;
const int nr_octaves_per_scale = 6;
const float min_contrast = 1.0;
detect_keypoints(cloud_1, min_scale, nr_octaves, nr_octaves_per_scale, min_contrast, keypointsFromCloud_1);
std::cout << "first cloud: keypoints computed " << std::endl;
//const float min_scale1 = 0.1;
detect_keypoints(cloud_2_filtered, min_scale, nr_octaves, nr_octaves_per_scale, min_contrast, keypointsFromCloud_2);
std::cout << "second cloud: keypoints computed " << std::endl;
//visualize_keypoints(cloud_2, keypointsFromCloud_2);
// Compute PFH features
const float feature_radius = 0.08;
compute_PFH_features_at_keypoints(downsampledCloud_1, normalsFromCloud_1, keypointsFromCloud_1, feature_radius, descriptors1);
std::cout << "first cloud: descriptor computed " << std::endl;
compute_PFH_features_at_keypoints(downsampledCloud_2, normalsFromCloud_2, keypointsFromCloud_2, feature_radius, descriptors2);
std::cout << "second cloud: descriptor computed " << std::endl;
// Find feature correspondences
std::vector<int> correspondences;
std::vector<float> correspondence_scores;
find_feature_correspondences(descriptors1, descriptors2, correspondences, correspondence_scores);
// Print out ( number of keypoints / number of points )
std::cout << "First cloud: Found " << keypointsFromCloud_1->size() << " keypoints "
<< "out of " << downsampledCloud_1->size() << " total points." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Second cloud: Found " << keypointsFromCloud_2->size() << " keypoints "
<< "out of " << downsampledCloud_2->size() << " total points." << std::endl;
// Visualize the two point clouds and their feature correspondences
visualize_correspondences(cloud_1, keypointsFromCloud_1, cloud_2_filtered, keypointsFromCloud_2, correspondences, correspondence_scores);
为了获得一致且稳健的结果,请事先从场景中提取所有对象,并尝试将参考与所有检测到的对象相匹配,select 最佳匹配。
我使用 SHOT 描述符而不是 PFH 获得了更好的结果。
Here 您可以从 PCL 的作者那里阅读更多关于 Object Recognition 的内容,他们在其中描述和解释对象识别的整个流程。
我试图通过更改许多参数来匹配我测试的两个点云之间的特征,但它总是产生错误的匹配。我正在计算 SIFT 特征的 PFH 特征描述符。
// load the both point clouds
pcl::io::loadPCDFile("Tee.pcd", *cloud_1);
pcl::PLYReader Reader;
Reader.read("tee.ply", *cloud_2);
//pcl::io::loadPCDFile("Tee.pcd", *cloud_2);
// Create the filtering object
pcl::PassThrough<pcl::PointXYZRGB> pass;
pass.setFilterLimits(0.0, 1.0);
//pass.setFilterLimitsNegative (true);
// Downsample the cloud
const float voxel_grid_leaf_size = 0.009f;
downsample(cloud_1, voxel_grid_leaf_size, downsampledCloud_1);
std::cout << "First cloud: downsampled " << std::endl;
const float voxel_grid_leaf_size2 = 0.003f;
downsample(cloud_2_filtered, voxel_grid_leaf_size2, downsampledCloud_2);
std::cout << "second cloud: downsampled " << std::endl;
// Compute surface normals
const float normal_radius = 0.03;
compute_surface_normals(downsampledCloud_1, normal_radius, normalsFromCloud_1);
compute_surface_normals(downsampledCloud_2, normal_radius, normalsFromCloud_2);
std::cout << "second cloud: normals computed " << std::endl;
// Compute keypoints
const float min_scale = 0.01;
const int nr_octaves = 3;
const int nr_octaves_per_scale = 6;
const float min_contrast = 1.0;
detect_keypoints(cloud_1, min_scale, nr_octaves, nr_octaves_per_scale, min_contrast, keypointsFromCloud_1);
std::cout << "first cloud: keypoints computed " << std::endl;
//const float min_scale1 = 0.1;
detect_keypoints(cloud_2_filtered, min_scale, nr_octaves, nr_octaves_per_scale, min_contrast, keypointsFromCloud_2);
std::cout << "second cloud: keypoints computed " << std::endl;
//visualize_keypoints(cloud_2, keypointsFromCloud_2);
// Compute PFH features
const float feature_radius = 0.08;
compute_PFH_features_at_keypoints(downsampledCloud_1, normalsFromCloud_1, keypointsFromCloud_1, feature_radius, descriptors1);
std::cout << "first cloud: descriptor computed " << std::endl;
compute_PFH_features_at_keypoints(downsampledCloud_2, normalsFromCloud_2, keypointsFromCloud_2, feature_radius, descriptors2);
std::cout << "second cloud: descriptor computed " << std::endl;
// Find feature correspondences
std::vector<int> correspondences;
std::vector<float> correspondence_scores;
find_feature_correspondences(descriptors1, descriptors2, correspondences, correspondence_scores);
// Print out ( number of keypoints / number of points )
std::cout << "First cloud: Found " << keypointsFromCloud_1->size() << " keypoints "
<< "out of " << downsampledCloud_1->size() << " total points." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Second cloud: Found " << keypointsFromCloud_2->size() << " keypoints "
<< "out of " << downsampledCloud_2->size() << " total points." << std::endl;
// Visualize the two point clouds and their feature correspondences
visualize_correspondences(cloud_1, keypointsFromCloud_1, cloud_2_filtered, keypointsFromCloud_2, correspondences, correspondence_scores);
为了获得一致且稳健的结果,请事先从场景中提取所有对象,并尝试将参考与所有检测到的对象相匹配,select 最佳匹配。
我使用 SHOT 描述符而不是 PFH 获得了更好的结果。
Here 您可以从 PCL 的作者那里阅读更多关于 Object Recognition 的内容,他们在其中描述和解释对象识别的整个流程。