如何以及是否在没有 Ncurses 的情况下为文本着色

How, and whether, to colorize text without Ncurses

Ncurses 可以为文本着色,但 lsdiff 等 GNU 实用程序显然无需调用 Ncurses 即可为文本着色。我也可以在不调用 Ncurses 的情况下对文本进行便携着色吗?例如,在 C:

printf("the word 3[32mgreen3[0m is printed in color\n");

这适用于我的安装,但看起来 不是很便携。另一方面,如果 lsdiff 或多或少地以这种方式进行,那么我凭什么称该技术不可移植?

检查 GNU 源代码,我注意到 ls 使用 dircolors$LS_COLORS,但我不确定这是否与 ls 相关。无论如何,据我所知,diff 既不使用 dircolors 也不使用 $LS_COLORS 也不使用 Ncurses.


此外,less -r 似乎可以毫不费力地处理我的示例输出。

我错过了什么吗?当不需要 Ncurses 的完整机制时,为绿色发出 3[32m 之类的原始转义码真的是为文本着色的传统方法吗?或者是否存在我不知道的标准的、更有序的轻量级技术?


Whosebug 早期的一个问题treats 主题。

为了进一步的信息和方便参考,VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48 的转义序列,包括着色器,在源文件末尾的 Ncurses 源中进行了解释和编目 misc/terminfo.src, 摘录如下

#### VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48
# ANSI Standard (X3.64) Control Sequences for Video Terminals and Peripherals
# and ECMA-48 Control Functions for Coded Character Sets.
# Much of the content of this comment is adapted from a table prepared by
# Richard Shuford, based on a 1984 Byte article.  Terminfo correspondences,
# discussion of some terminfo-related issues, and updates to capture ECMA-48
# have been added.  Control functions described in ECMA-48 only are tagged
# with * after their names.
# The table is a complete list of the defined ANSI X3.64/ECMA-48 control
# sequences.  In the main table, \E stands for an escape (3) character,
# SPC for space.  Pn stands for a single numeric parameter to be inserted
# in decimal ASCII.  Ps stands for a list of such parameters separated by
# semicolons.  Parameter meanings for most parametrized sequences are
# decribed in the notes.
# Sequence     Sequence                             Parameter   or
# Mnemonic     Name              Sequence           Value      Mode   terminfo
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# APC  Applicatn Program Command \E _                -         Delim  -
# BEL  Bell *                    ^G                  -         -      bel
# BPH  Break Permitted Here *    \E B                -         *      -
# BS   Backpace *                ^H                  -         EF     -
# CAN  Cancel *                  ^X                  -         -      -   (A)
# CBT  Cursor Backward Tab       \E [ Pn Z           1         eF     cbt
# CCH  Cancel Previous Character \E T                -         -      -
# CHA  Cursor Horizntal Absolute \E [ Pn G           1         eF     hpa (B)
# CHT  Cursor Horizontal Tab     \E [ Pn I           1         eF     tab (C)
# CMD  Coding Method Delimiter * \E
# CNL  Cursor Next Line          \E [ Pn E           1         eF     nel (D)
# CPL  Cursor Preceding Line     \E [ Pn F           1         eF     -
# CPR  Cursor Position Report    \E [ Pn ; Pn R      1, 1      -      -   (E)
# CSI  Control Sequence Intro    \E [                -         Intro  -
# CTC  Cursor Tabulation Control \E [ Ps W           0         eF     -   (F)
# CUB  Cursor Backward           \E [ Pn D           1         eF     cub
# CUD  Cursor Down               \E [ Pn B           1         eF     cud
# CUF  Cursor Forward            \E [ Pn C           1         eF     cuf
# CUP  Cursor Position           \E [ Pn ; Pn H      1, 1      eF     cup (G)
# CUU  Cursor Up                 \E [ Pn A           1         eF     cuu
# CVT  Cursor Vertical Tab       \E [ Pn Y           -         eF     -   (H)
# DA   Device Attributes         \E [ Pn c           0         -      -
# DAQ  Define Area Qualification \E [ Ps o           0         -      -
# DCH  Delete Character          \E [ Pn P           1         eF     dch
# DCS  Device Control String     \E P                -         Delim  -
# DL   Delete Line               \E [ Pn M           1         eF     dl
# DLE  Data Link Escape *        ^P                  -         -      -
# DMI  Disable Manual Input      \E \                -         Fs     -
# DSR  Device Status Report      \E [ Ps n           0         -      -   (I)
# DTA  Dimension Text Area *     \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC T  -         PC     -
# EA   Erase in Area             \E [ Ps O           0         eF     -   (J)
# ECH  Erase Character           \E [ Pn X           1         eF     ech
# ED   Erase in Display          \E [ Ps J           0         eF     ed  (J)
# EF   Erase in Field            \E [ Ps N           0         eF     -
# EL   Erase in Line             \E [ Ps K           0         eF     el  (J)
# EM   End of Medium *           ^Y                  -         -      -
# EMI  Enable Manual Input       \E b                          Fs     -
# ENQ  Enquire                   ^E                  -         -      -
# EOT  End Of Transmission       ^D                  -         *      -
# EPA  End of Protected Area     \E W                -         -      -   (K)
# ESA  End of Selected Area      \E G                -         -      -
# ESC  Escape                    ^[                  -         -      -
# ETB  End Transmission Block    ^W                  -         -      -
# ETX  End of Text               ^C                  -         -      -
# FF   Form Feed                 ^L                  -         -      -
# FNK  Function Key *            \E [ Pn SPC W       -         -      -
# GCC  Graphic Char Combination* \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC B  -         -      -
# FNT  Font Selection            \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC D  0, 0      FE     -
# GSM  Graphic Size Modify       \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC B  100, 100  FE     -   (L)
# GSS  Graphic Size Selection    \E [ Pn SPC C       none      FE     -
# HPA  Horz Position Absolute    \E [ Pn `           1         FE     -   (B)
# HPB  Char Position Backward    \E [ j              1         FE     -
# HPR  Horz Position Relative    \E [ Pn a           1         FE     -   (M)
# HT   Horizontal Tab *          ^I                  -         FE     -   (N)
# HTJ  Horz Tab w/Justification  \E I                -         FE     -
# HTS  Horizontal Tab Set        \E H                -         FE     hts
# HVP  Horz & Vertical Position  \E [ Pn ; Pn f      1, 1      FE     -   (G)
# ICH  Insert Character          \E [ Pn @           1         eF     ich
# IDCS ID Device Control String  \E [ SPC O          -         *      -
# IGS  ID Graphic Subrepertoire  \E [ SPC M          -         *      -
# IL   Insert Line               \E [ Pn L           1         eF     il
# IND  Index                     \E D                -         FE     -
# INT  Interrupt                 \E a                -         Fs     -
# JFY  Justify                   \E [ Ps SPC F       0         FE     -
# IS1  Info Separator #1 *       ^_                  -         *      -
# IS2  Info Separator #1 *       ^^                  -         *      -
# IS3  Info Separator #1 *       ^]                  -         *      -
# IS4  Info Separator #1 *       ^\                  -         *      -
# LF   Line Feed                 ^J                  -         -      -
# LS1R Locking Shift Right 1 *   \E ~                -         -      -
# LS2  Locking Shift 2 *         \E n                -         -      -
# LS2R Locking Shift Right 2 *   \E }                -         -      -
# LS3  Locking Shift 3 *         \E o                -         -      -
# LS3R Locking Shift Right 3 *   \E |                -         -      -
# MC   Media Copy                \E [ Ps i           0         -      -   (S)
# MW   Message Waiting           \E U                -         -      -
# NAK  Negative Acknowledge *    ^U                  -         *      -
# NBH  No Break Here *           \E C                -         -      -
# NEL  Next Line                 \E E                -         FE     nel (D)
# NP   Next Page                 \E [ Pn U           1         eF     -
# NUL  Null *                    ^@                  -         -      -
# OSC  Operating System Command  \E ]                -         Delim  -
# PEC  Pres. Expand/Contract *   \E Pn SPC Z         0         -      -
# PFS  Page Format Selection *   \E Pn SPC J         0         -      -
# PLD  Partial Line Down         \E K                -         FE     -   (T)
# PLU  Partial Line Up           \E L                -         FE     -   (U)
# PM   Privacy Message           \E ^                -         Delim  -
# PP   Preceding Page            \E [ Pn V           1         eF     -
# PPA  Page Position Absolute *  \E [ Pn SPC P       1         FE     -
# PPB  Page Position Backward *  \E [ Pn SPC R       1         FE     -
# PPR  Page Position Forward *   \E [ Pn SPC Q       1         FE     -
# PTX  Parallel Texts *          \E [ \              -         -      -
# PU1  Private Use 1             \E Q                -         -      -
# PU2  Private Use 2             \E R                -         -      -
# QUAD Typographic Quadding      \E [ Ps SPC H       0         FE     -
# REP  Repeat Char or Control    \E [ Pn b           1         -      rep
# RI   Reverse Index             \E M                -         FE     -   (V)
# RIS  Reset to Initial State    \E c                -         Fs     -
# RM   Reset Mode *              \E [ Ps l           -         -      -   (W)
# SACS Set Add. Char. Sep. *     \E [ Pn SPC /       0         -      -
# SAPV Sel. Alt. Present. Var. * \E [ Ps SPC ]       0         -      -   (X)
# SCI  Single-Char Introducer    \E Z                -         -      -
# SCO  Sel. Char. Orientation *  \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC k  -         -      -
# SCS  Set Char. Spacing *       \E [ Pn SPC g       -         -      -
# SD   Scroll Down               \E [ Pn T           1         eF     rin
# SDS  Start Directed String *   \E [ Pn ]           1         -      -
# SEE  Select Editing Extent     \E [ Ps Q           0         -      -   (Y)
# SEF  Sheet Eject & Feed *      \E [ Ps ; Ps SPC Y  0,0       -      -
# SGR  Select Graphic Rendition  \E [ Ps m           0         FE     sgr (O)
# SHS  Select Char. Spacing *    \E [ Ps SPC K       0         -      -
# SI   Shift In                  ^O                  -         -      -   (P)
# SIMD Sel. Imp. Move Direct. *  \E [ Ps ^           -         -      -
# SL   Scroll Left               \E [ Pn SPC @       1         eF     -
# SLH  Set Line Home *           \E [ Pn SPC U       -         -      -
# SLL  Set Line Limit *          \E [ Pn SPC V       -         -      -
# SLS  Set Line Spacing *        \E [ Pn SPC h       -         -      -
# SM   Select Mode               \E [ Ps h           none      -      -   (W)
# SO   Shift Out                 ^N                  -         -      -   (Q)
# SOH  Start Of Heading *        ^A                  -         -      -
# SOS  Start of String *         \E X                -         -      -
# SPA  Start of Protected Area   \E V                -         -      -   (Z)
# SPD  Select Pres. Direction *  \E [ Ps ; Ps SPC S  0,0       -      -
# SPH  Set Page Home *           \E [ Ps SPC G       -         -      -
# SPI  Spacing Increment         \E [ Pn ; Pn SPC G  none      FE     -
# SPL  Set Page Limit *          \E [ Ps SPC j       -         -      -
# SPQR Set Pr. Qual. & Rapid. *  \E [ Ps SPC X       0         -      -
# SR   Scroll Right              \E [ Pn SPC A       1         eF     -
# SRCS Set Reduced Char. Sep. *  \E [ Pn SPC f       0         -      -
# SRS  Start Reversed String *   \E [ Ps [           0         -      -
# SSA  Start of Selected Area    \E F                -         -      -
# SSU  Select Size Unit *        \E [ Pn SPC I       0         -      -
# SSW  Set Space Width *         \E [ Pn SPC [       none      -      -
# SS2  Single Shift 2 (G2 set)   \E N                -         Intro  -
# SS3  Single Shift 3 (G3 set)   \E O                -         Intro  -
# ST   String Terminator         \E \                -         Delim  -
# STAB Selective Tabulation *    \E [ Pn SPC ^       -         -      -
# STS  Set Transmit State        \E S                -         -      -
# STX  Start pf Text *           ^B                  -         -      -
# SU   Scroll Up                 \E [ Pn S           1         eF     indn
# SUB  Substitute *              ^Z                  -         -      -
# SVS  Select Line Spacing *     \E [ Pn SPC \       1         -      -
# SYN  Synchronous Idle *        ^F                  -         -      -
# TAC  Tabul. Aligned Centered * \E [ Pn SPC b       -         -      -
# TALE Tabul. Al. Leading Edge * \E [ Pn SPC a       -         -      -
# TATE Tabul. Al. Trailing Edge* \E [ Pn SPC `       -         -      -
# TBC  Tab Clear                 \E [ Ps g           0         FE     tbc
# TCC  Tabul. Centered on Char * \E [ Pn SPC c       -         -      -
# TSR  Tabulation Stop Remove  * \E [ Pn SPC d       -         FE     -
# TSS  Thin Space Specification  \E [ Pn SC E        none      FE     -
# VPA  Vert. Position Absolute   \E [ Pn d           1         FE     vpa
# VPB  Line Position Backward *  \E [ Pn k           1         FE     -
# VPR  Vert. Position Relative   \E [ Pn e           1         FE     -   (R)
# VT   Vertical Tabulation *     ^K                  -         FE     -
# VTS  Vertical Tabulation Set   \E J                -         FE     -
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Notes:
# Some control characters are listed in the ECMA-48 standard without
# being assigned functions relevant to terminal control there (they
# referred to other standards such as ISO 1745 or ECMA-35).  They are listed
# here anyway for completeness.
# (A) ECMA-48 calls this "CancelCharacter" but retains the CCH abbreviation.
# (B) There seems to be some confusion abroad between CHA and HPA.  Most
# `ANSI' terminals accept the CHA sequence, not the HPA. but terminfo calls
# the capability (hpa).  ECMA-48 calls this "Cursor Character Absolute" but
# preserved the CHA abbreviation.
# (C) CHT corresponds to terminfo (tab).  Usually it has the value ^I.
# Occasionally (as on, for example, certain HP terminals) this has the HTJ
# value.  ECMA-48 calls this "Cursor Forward Tabulation" but preserved the
# CHT abbreviation.
# (D) terminfo (nel) is usually \r\n rather than ANSI \EE.
# (E) ECMA-48 calls this "Active Position Report" but preserves the CPR
# abbreviation.
# (F) CTC parameter values: 0 = set char tab, 1 = set line tab, 2 = clear
# char tab, 3 = clear line tab, 4 = clear all char tabs on current line,
# 5 = clear all char tabs, 6 = clear all line tabs.
# (G) CUP and HVP are identical in effect.  Some ANSI.SYS versions accept
# HVP, but always allow CUP as an alternate.  ECMA-48 calls HVP "Character
# Position Absolute" but retains the HVP abbreviation.
# (H) ECMA calls this "Cursor Line Tabulation" but preserves the CVT
# abbreviation.
# (I) DSR parameter values: 0 = ready, 1 = busy, 2 = busy, will send DSR
# later, 3 = malfunction, 4 = malfunction, will send DSR later, 5 = request
# DSR, 6 = request CPR response.
# (J) ECMA calls ED "Erase In Page". EA/ED/EL parameters: 0 = clear to end,
# 1 = clear from beginning, 2 = clear.
# (K) ECMA calls this "End of Guarded Area" but preserves the EPA abbreviation.
# (L) The GSM parameters are vertical and horizontal parameters to scale by.
# (M) Some ANSI.SYS versions accept HPR, but more commonly `ANSI' terminals
# use CUF for this function and ignore HPR.  ECMA-48 calls this "Character
# Position Relative" but retains the HPR abbreviation.
# (N) ECMA-48 calls this "Character Tabulation" but retains the HT
# abbreviation.
# (O) SGR parameter values: 0 = default mode (attributes off), 1 = bold,
# 2 = dim, 3 = italicized, 4 = underlined, 5 = slow blink, 6 = fast blink,
# 7 = reverse video, 8 = invisible, 9 = crossed-out (marked for deletion),
# 10 = primary font, 10 + n (n in 1..9) = nth alternative font, 20 = Fraktur,
# 21 = double underline, 22 = turn off 2, 23 = turn off 3, 24 = turn off 4,
# 25 = turn off 5, 26 = proportional spacing, 27 = turn off 7, 28 = turn off
# 8, 29 = turn off 9, 30 = black fg, 31 = red fg, 32 = green fg, 33 = yellow
# fg, 34 = blue fg, 35 = magenta fg, 36 = cyan fg, 37 = white fg, 38 = set
# fg color as in CCIT T.416, 39 = set default fg color, 40 = black bg
# 41 = red bg, 42 = green bg, 43 = yellow bg, 44 = blue bg, 45 = magenta bg,
# 46 = cyan bg, 47 = white bg, 48 = set bg color as in CCIT T.416, 39 = set
# default bg color, 50 = turn off 26, 51 = framed, 52 = encircled, 53 =
# overlined, 54 = turn off 51 & 52, 55 = not overlined, 56-59 = reserved,
# 61-65 = variable highlights for ideograms.
# (P) SI is also called LSO, Locking Shift Zero.
# (Q) SI is also called LS1, Locking Shift One.
# (R) Some ANSI.SYS versions accept VPR, but more commonly `ANSI' terminals
# use CUD for this function and ignore VPR.  ECMA calls it `Line Position
# Absolute' but retains the VPA abbreviation.
# (S) MC parameters: 0 = start xfer to primary aux device, 1 = start xfer from
# primary aux device, 2 = start xfer to secondary aux device, 3 = start xfer
# from secondary aux device, 4 = stop relay to primary aux device, 5 =
# start relay to primary aux device, 6 = stop relay to secondary aux device,
# 7 = start relay to secondary aux device.
# (T) ECMA-48 calls this "Partial Line Forward" but retains the PLD
# abbreviation.
# (U) ECMA-48 calls this "Partial Line Backward" but retains the PLU
# abbreviation.
# (V) ECMA-48 calls this "Reverse Line Feed" but retains the RI abbreviation.
# (W) RM/SM modes are as follows: 1 = Guarded Area Transfer Mode (GATM),
# 2 = Keyboard Action Mode (KAM), 3 = Control Representation Mode (CRM),
# 4 = Insertion Replacement Mode, 5 = Status Report Transfer Mode (SRTM),
# 6 = Erasure Mode (ERM), 7 = Line Editing Mode (LEM), 8 = Bi-Directional
# Support Mode (BDSM), 9 = Device Component Select Mode (DCSM),
# 10 = Character Editing Mode (HEM), 11 = Positioning Unit Mode (PUM),
# 12 = Send/Receive Mode, 13 = Format Effector Action Mode (FEAM),
# 14 = Format Effector Transfer Mode (FETM), 15 = Multiple Area Transfer
# Mode (MATM), 16 = Transfer Termination Mode, 17 = Selected Area Transfer
# Mode, 18 = Tabulation Stop Mode, 19 = Editing Boundary Mode, 20 = Line Feed
# New Line Mode (LF/NL), Graphic Rendition Combination Mode (GRCM), 22 =
# Zero Default Mode (ZDM).  The EBM and LF/NL modes have actually been removed
# from ECMA-48's 5th edition but are listed here for reference.
# (X) Select Alternate Presentation Variants is used only for non-Latin
# alphabets.
# (Y) "Select Editing Extent" (SEE) was ANSI "Select Edit Extent Mode" (SEM).
# (Z) ECMA-48 calls this "Start of Guarded Area" but retains the SPA
# abbreviation.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Abbreviations:
# Intro  an Introducer of some kind of defined sequence; the normal 7-bit
#        X3.64 Control Sequence Introducer is the two characters "Escape ["
# Delim  a Delimiter
# x/y    identifies a character by position in the ASCII table (column/row)
# eF     editor function (see explanation)
# FE     format effector (see explanation)
# F      is a Final character in
#             an Escape sequence (F from 3/0 to 7/14 in the ASCII table)
#             a control sequence (F from 4/0 to 7/14)
# Gs     is a graphic character appearing in strings (Gs ranges from
#        2/0 to 7/14) in the ASCII table
# Ce     is a control represented as a single bit combination in the C1 set
#        of controls in an 8-bit character set
# C0     the familiar set of 7-bit ASCII control characters
# C1     roughly, the set of control chars available only in 8-bit systems.
#        This is too complicated to explain fully here, so read Jim Fleming's
#        article in the February 1983 BYTE, especially pages 214 through 224.
# Fe     is a Final character of a 2-character Escape sequence that has an
#        equivalent representation in an 8-bit environment as a Ce-type
#        (Fe ranges from 4/0 to 5/15)
# Fs     is a Final character of a 2-character Escape sequence that is
#        standardized internationally with identical representation in 7-bit
#        and 8-bit environments and is independent of the currently
#        designated C0 and C1 control sets (Fs ranges from 6/0 to 7/14)
# I      is an Intermediate character from 2/0 to 2/15 (inclusive) in the
#        ASCII table
# P      is a parameter character from 3/0 to 3/15 (inclusive) in the ASCII
#        table
# Pn     is a numeric parameter in a control sequence, a string of zero or
#        more characters ranging from 3/0 to 3/9 in the ASCII table
# Ps     is a variable number of selective parameters in a control sequence
#        with each selective parameter separated from the other by the code
#        3/11 (which usually represents a semicolon); Ps ranges from
#        3/0 to 3/9 and includes 3/11
# *      Not relevant to terminal control, listed for completeness only.
# Format Effectors versus Editor Functions
# A format effector specifies how following output is to be displayed.
# An editor function allows you to modify the display.  Informally
# format effectors may be destructive; format effectors should not be.
# For instance, a format effector that moves the "active position" (the
# cursor or equivalent) one space to the left would be useful when you want to
# create an overstrike, a compound character made of two standard characters
# overlaid. Control-H, the Backspace character, is actually supposed to be a
# format effector, so you can do this. But many systems use it in a
# nonstandard fashion, as an editor function, deleting the character to the
# left of the cursor and moving the cursor left. When Control-H is assumed to
# be an editor function, you cannot predict whether its use will create an
# overstrike unless you also know whether the output device is in an "insert
# mode" or an "overwrite mode". When Control-H is used as a format effector,
# its effect can always be predicted. The familiar characters carriage
# return, linefeed, formfeed, etc., are defined as format effectors.
# Control sequences implemented in the VT100 are as follows:
#      LNM, NEL, RI, RIS, RM, SGR, SM, TBC
# plus several private DEC commands.
# Erasing parts of the display (EL and ED) in the VT100 is performed thus:
#      Erase from cursor to end of line           Esc [ 0 K    or Esc [ K
#      Erase from beginning of line to cursor     Esc [ 1 K
#      Erase line containing cursor               Esc [ 2 K
#      Erase from cursor to end of screen         Esc [ 0 J    or Esc [ J
#      Erase from beginning of screen to cursor   Esc [ 1 J
#      Erase entire screen                        Esc [ 2 J
# Some brain-damaged terminal/emulators respond to Esc [ J as if it were
# Esc [ 2 J, but this is wrong; the default is 0.
# The VT100 responds to receiving the DA (Device Attributes) control
#      Esc [ c    (or Esc [ 0 c)
# by transmitting the sequence
#      Esc [ ? l ; Ps c
# where Ps is a character that describes installed options.
# The VT100's cursor location can be read with the DSR (Device Status
# Report) control
#      Esc [ 6 n
# The VT100 reports by transmitting the CPR sequence
#      Esc [ Pl ; Pc R
# where Pl is the line number and Pc is the column number (in decimal).
# The specification for the DEC VT100 is document EK-VT100-UG-003.

# Here is a description of the color and attribute controls supported in the
# the ANSI.SYS driver under MS-DOS.  Most console drivers and ANSI
# terminal emulators for Intel boxes obey these.  They are a proper subset
# of the ECMA-48 escapes.
# 0 all attributes off
# 1 foreground bright
# 4 underscore on
# 5 blink on/background bright (not reliable with brown)
# 7 reverse-video
# 8 set blank (non-display)
# 10        set primary font
# 11        set first alternate font (on PCs, display ROM characters 1-31)
# 12        set second alternate font (on PCs, display IBM high-half chars)
#                   Color attribute sets
# 3n        set foreground color       / 0=black, 1=red,     2=green, 3=brown,
# 4n        set background color       \ 4=blue,  5=magenta, 6=cyan,  7=white
# Bright black becomes gray.  Bright brown becomes yellow,
# These coincide with the prescriptions of the ISO 6429/ECMA-48 standard.
# * If the 5 attribute is on and you set a background color (40-47) it is
#   supposed to enable bright background.
# * Many VGA cards (such as the Paradise and compatibles) do the wrong thing
#   when you try to set a "bright brown" (yellow) background with attribute
#   5 (you get a blinking yellow foreground instead).  A few displays
#   (including the System V console) support an attribute 6 that undoes this
#   braindamage (this is required by iBCS2).
# * Some older versions of ANSI.SYS have a bug that causes thems to require
#   ESC [ Pn k as EL rather than the ANSI ESC [ Pn K.  (This is not ECMA-48
#   compatible.)

Can I, too, portably colorize text without calling Ncurses?

有点,但不使用原始转义序列。您将需要一个类似于 terminfo 的数据库,该数据库与您的程序代码一起分发,其中包含您想要支持的终端类型和转义序列,并使您的程序在运行时检测终端类型(至少在为支持更多的平台编译时不止一种终端类型)。

您当然可以使用现有的 terminfo 数据库并提取您想要支持的终端类型的转义序列。所以这将是你自己的迷你版诅咒。

也许更好的方法是选择 public 域替代方案,例如 PDCurses,而不必重新发明轮子。