Polly CircuitBreaker 回退不起作用

Polly CircuitBreaker fallback not working


var retryPolicy = Policy.Handle<Exception>(e => (e is HttpRequestException || e.InnerException is HttpRequestException)).WaitAndRetry(
                retryCount: maxRetryCount,
                sleepDurationProvider: attempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, attempt)),
                onRetry: (exception, calculatedWaitDuration, retryCount, context) =>
                    Log.Error($"Retry => Count: {retryCount}, Wait duration: {calculatedWaitDuration}, Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}, Exception: {exception}.");

var circuitBreaker = Policy.Handle<Exception>(e => (e is HttpRequestException || e.InnerException is HttpRequestException)).CircuitBreaker(maxExceptionsBeforeBreaking, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(circuitBreakDurationSeconds), onBreak, onReset);

var sharedBulkhead = Policy.Bulkhead(maxParallelizations, maxQueuingActions, onBulkheadRejected);

var fallbackForCircuitBreaker = Policy<bool>
                 fallbackValue: false,
                 onFallback: (b, context) =>
                     Log.Error($"Operation attempted on broken circuit => Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}");

            var fallbackForAnyException = Policy<bool>
                    fallbackAction: (context) => { return false; },
                    onFallback: (e, context) =>
                        Log.Error($"An unexpected error occured => Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}");

var resilienceStrategy = Policy.Wrap(retryPolicy, circuitBreaker, sharedBulkhead);
            var policyWrap = fallbackForAnyException.Wrap(fallbackForCircuitBreaker.Wrap(resilienceStrategy));

public bool CallApi(ChangeMapModel changeMessage)
        var httpClient = new HttpClient();
        var endPoint = changeMessage.EndPoint;
        var headers = endPoint.Headers;
        if (headers != null)
            foreach (var header in headers)
                if (header.Contains(':'))
                    var splitHeader = header.Split(':');
                    httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(splitHeader[0], splitHeader[1]); 

        var res = httpClient.PostAsync(endPoint.Uri, null);
        var response = res.Result;
        return true;


policyWrap.Execute((context) => CallApi(changeMessage), new Context(endPoint));

问题是在开路执行操作时我没有在 CircuitBreaker 回调中命中。

我希望通过策略进行 API 调用,要处理的异常类型为 HttpRequestException。政策定义有问题吗?为什么不调用断路器回退?

我创建了以下 minimum, complete, verifiable example 来帮助探索问题:


using Polly;
using Polly.CircuitBreaker;
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        int maxRetryCount = 6;
        double circuitBreakDurationSeconds = 0.2 /* experiment with effect of shorter or longer here, eg: change to = 1, and the fallbackForCircuitBreaker is correctly invoked */ ;
        int maxExceptionsBeforeBreaking = 4; /* experiment with effect of fewer here, eg change to = 1, and the fallbackForCircuitBreaker is correctly invoked */
        int maxParallelizations = 2;
        int maxQueuingActions = 2;

        var retryPolicy = Policy.Handle<Exception>(e => (e is HttpRequestException || (/*!(e is BrokenCircuitException) &&*/ e.InnerException is HttpRequestException))) // experiment with introducing the extra (!(e is BrokenCircuitException) && ) clause here, if necessary/desired, depending on goal
                retryCount: maxRetryCount,
                sleepDurationProvider: attempt => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50 * Math.Pow(2, attempt)),
                onRetry: (ex, calculatedWaitDuration, retryCount, context) =>
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Retry => Count: {0}, Wait duration: {1}, Policy Wrap: {2}, Policy: {3}, Endpoint: {4}, Exception: {5}", retryCount, calculatedWaitDuration, context.PolicyWrapKey, context.PolicyKey, context.OperationKey, ex.Message));

        var circuitBreaker = Policy.Handle<Exception>(e => (e is HttpRequestException || e.InnerException is HttpRequestException))
                onBreak: (ex, breakDuration) => {
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Circuit breaking for {0} ms due to {1}", breakDuration.TotalMilliseconds, ex.Message));
                onReset: () => {
                    Console.WriteLine("Circuit closed again.");
                onHalfOpen: () => { Console.WriteLine("Half open."); });

        var sharedBulkhead = Policy.Bulkhead(maxParallelizations, maxQueuingActions);

        var fallbackForCircuitBreaker = Policy<bool>
            /* .OrInner<BrokenCircuitException>() */ // Consider this if necessary.
            /* .Or<Exception>(e => circuitBreaker.State != CircuitState.Closed) */ // This check will also detect the circuit in anything but healthy state, regardless of the final exception thrown.
                 fallbackValue: false,
                 onFallback: (b, context) =>
                     Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Operation attempted on broken circuit => Policy Wrap: {0}, Policy: {1}, Endpoint: {2}", context.PolicyWrapKey, context.PolicyKey, context.OperationKey));

        var fallbackForAnyException = Policy<bool>
                    fallbackAction: (context) => { return false; },
                    onFallback: (e, context) =>
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("An unexpected error occured => Policy Wrap: {0}, Policy: {1}, Endpoint: {2}, Exception: {3}", context.PolicyWrapKey, context.PolicyKey, context.OperationKey, e.Exception.Message));

        var resilienceStrategy = Policy.Wrap(retryPolicy, circuitBreaker, sharedBulkhead);
        var policyWrap = fallbackForAnyException.Wrap(fallbackForCircuitBreaker.Wrap(resilienceStrategy));

        bool outcome = policyWrap.Execute((context) => CallApi("http://www.doesnotexistattimeofwriting.com/"), new Context("some endpoint info"));

    public static bool CallApi(string uri)
        using (var httpClient = new HttpClient() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) }) // Consider HttpClient lifetimes and disposal; this pattern is for minimum change from original posted code, not a recommendation.
            Task<HttpResponseMessage> res = httpClient.GetAsync(uri);
            var response = res.Result; // Consider async/await rather than blocking on the returned Task.
            return true;

不止一个因素可能导致 fallbackForCircuitBreaker 无法调用:

  1. circuitBreakDurationSeconds 可能设置得比各种尝试和重试之间等待的总时间要短。

如果是这样,电路可能会恢复到半开状态。在 half-open state or closed state 中,导致电路中断的异常按原样重新抛出。 BrokenCircuitException 仅在(完全)开路阻止尝试调用时抛出。

因此,如果您的电路在重试耗尽时恢复到半开状态,则返回回退策略的异常将是 HttpRequestException,而不是 BrokenCircuitException

  1. .Handle<Exception>(e => (e is HttpRequestException || e.InnerException is HttpRequestException)) 子句可能会捕获具有 InnerException is HttpRequestException
  2. CircuitBreakerException

一个CircuitBreakerExceptioncontains the exception which caused the circuit to break as its InnerException。因此,对 e.InnerException is HttpRequestException 的过度 greedy/looser 检查也可能捕获具有 InnerException is HttpRequestExceptionCircuitBreakerException。这可能需要也可能不需要,具体取决于您的目标。

我相信原始发布的代码不会发生这种情况,因为它的构造方式特殊。阻塞 HttpClient.DoSomethingAsync(...) 返回的 Task 已经导致 AggregateException->HttpRequestException,这意味着结果 CircuitBreakerException 嵌套 HttpRequestException 两层深度:

CircuitBreakerException -> AggregateException -> HttpRequestException

所以这不属于发布代码中的 one-深度检查。但是,请注意 意识到 CircuitBreakerException 包含导致电路中断的异常,因为其 InnerException。这可能会导致 handle 子句检查 only e.InnerException is HttpRequestExceptionunwantedly (出乎意料,如果这不是你的目标)重试 CircuitBreakerException,如果:

(a) 代码更改为 async/await,这将删除 AggregateException,从而导致嵌套只有一层

(b) 代码更改为 Polly 的 .HandleInner<HttpRequestException>() syntax,它是递归贪婪的,因此会捕获嵌套两层 CircuitBreakerException->AggregateException->HttpRequestException.

上面代码中的建议 /* commented out */ // with additional explanation 建议如何调整发布的代码,以便 fallbackForCircuitBreaker 按预期调用。


  1. 如果可能,请考虑更改为 async/await

通过调用 .Result 阻塞 HttpClient.DoSomethingAsync() 可能会影响性能,或者如果与其他异步代码混合会导致死锁风险,并且会引入整个 AggregateException-with-InnerException痛.

  1. 考虑 HttpClient 个实例的处置和生命周期。

(如其他地方广泛讨论的那样,特意将第 3 点和第 4 点保持简短。)