Space C++ 泄漏?

Space leak in C++?

Google's C++ test framework,我的眼睛读着:

.. returns from the current function immediately, possibly skipping clean-up code that comes after it, it may cause a space leak.


C++ 中是否使用该术语?如果是,那是什么意思(换句话说,它如何与内存泄漏区分开来)?

中,space 泄漏是指程序或特定计算使用的内存比必要的多得多的情况。

Java 中,使用短语 "space leak" 没有意义。

Space 泄漏似乎并不特定于特定语言。维基百科对 space leak 有这样的说法:

A space leak occurs when a computer program uses more memory than necessary. In contrast to memory leaks, where the leaked memory is never released, the memory consumed by a space leak is released, but later than expected.

根据您的引用,这与 Haskell 中的含义相同。