Hikari 和测试借用选项

Hikari and test on borrow option

我使用 spring boot 2 和 Hikari 连接池、jpa 和 postgres。


spring.datasource.validationQuery=SELECT 1

不,它们是 Hikari 连接池的未知属性,因此不需要,

它们仅存在于您不再使用的 Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool(用于旧的 Spring 引导)。

Explanation of different between properties

DBCP testOnBorrow=false rollbackOnReturn=false enableAutoCommitOnReturn=false


testOnBorrow=false increases the likelihood of broken connections given to your application rollbackOnReturn=false + enableAutoCommitOnReturn=false, like the C3P0 "remediation" above can bleed transactions between consumers or cause locks to be held for extended periods

HikariCP Differentiators

Tests connections with isValid() before returning them from the pool, with an optimization that bypasses the check if the connection was utilized within the last 1000ms Tracks connection state (and transaction state), and performs rollback() only the the case of a non-autocommit connections with uncommitted changes