Excel 互操作对象中合并行中的自动调整文本。 C#

Autofit text in merged rows in Excel interop objects. C#

我有一个在 excel 中写入数据的方法,但是有些部分有很多文本,该方法将文本包装到列中,但我不能在行中这样做,因为它们被合并。所以我得到这样的东西:



我不记得我在哪里看到过这个,但我曾经看到过一个 hack 来实现这个。简而言之,您从合并的单元格中取出有问题的文本,将其粘贴到同一列中的非合并单元格中,然后对该单元格进行自动调整以查看它应该有多高。然后将安全单元格的高度手动设置为每个合并的行,除以合并的总行数。

虽然丑陋,但确实有效。在您的示例中,如果它始终是两行,那么它会变得容易得多,因为您始终可以除以二并将行数增加二。如果不是,您只需要将其考虑在内。假设 C1 是我们的 "safe cell," 它看起来像这样:

Excel.Range testCell = ws.Cells[1, 3];
testCell.WrapText = true;

for (int row = 11; row < ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count; row += 2)
    testCell.Value2 = ws.Cells[row, 4].Value2;
    ws.Range[string.Format("{0}:{1}", row, row + 1)].RowHeight = testCell.RowHeight / 2;


  1. 记住行数
  2. 计算合并区域中所有行的总高度
  3. 根据总高度计算每行的百分比
  4. 取消合并单元格
  5. 自动调整行
  6. 记住第一行(即数据行)的高度 - a new height
  7. main:将百分比(在第 3 阶段)应用于 new height
  8. 合并单元格(在第 1 阶段的行数的帮助下)

如您所见,此方法是通用的 - 即它适用于合并区域中的任何行数,并且它将根据新高度遵守每行的先前比例。可以下载sample workbook带码


Sub Test()
    Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("D11"))
End Sub

Sub AutoFitMergedCells(cell As Range)

    Dim dOldHeight#, dNewHeight#, dPercent#, arow, addr, rows_count
    Dim dicCells As New Dictionary, dicHeights As New Dictionary

    '// turn off flickering
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    With cell

        '// remember rows count for merging cells back
        rows_count = .MergeArea.Count

        '// every dictionary entry holds following info:
        '// 1) original height of all rows in merged cells
        '// 2) percentage of row's height to height of all rows in merged area
        For Each arow In .MergeArea.Rows
            With arow.Cells(1)
                Set dicHeights = New Dictionary
                dicHeights("height") = .RowHeight
                dicHeights("percent") = 0
                dicCells.Add Key:=.Address(0, 0), Item:=dicHeights
            End With

        '// total height of all rows
        For Each addr In dicCells.Keys()
            dOldHeight = dOldHeight + dicCells(addr)("height")

        '// update the percentage of every row
        For Each addr In dicCells.Keys()
            dicCells(addr)("percent") = dicCells(addr)("height") / dOldHeight

        '// remember new height
        dNewHeight = .RowHeight

        '// this applies percentage of previous row's height to new height
        For Each addr In dicCells.Keys()
            Range(addr).EntireRow.RowHeight = dicCells(addr)("percent") * dNewHeight

        '// merge back

    End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub



using System.Diagnostics;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

private void ProcessMergedCells()

    var xlApp = new Excel.Application { Visible = false, ScreenUpdating = false };
    // get Excel process in order to kill it after the work is done
    var xlHandle = new IntPtr(xlApp.Hwnd);
    var xlProc = Process
                 .First(p => p.MainWindowHandle == xlHandle);
    var book = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(@"C:\AutoFitMergedCells.xlsm");
    var sheet = book.Sheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet;

    // obtain merged cells any way you like
    // here I just populate array with arbitrary cells
    var merged_ranges = new Excel.Range[]

    // process merged cells
    foreach(var merged_range in merged_ranges)

    // quit with saving
    book.Close(SaveChanges: true);

    // clean up

    // kill Excel for sure


private void AutoFitMergedCells(Excel.Range merged_range)

    double dOldHeight = 0d, dNewHeight = 0d;
    var dicCells = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>();

    // remember rows count for merging cells back
    int rows_count = merged_range.MergeArea.Count;

    // every dictionary entry holds following info:
    // 1) original height of all rows in merged cells
    // 2) percentage of row's height to height of all rows in merged area
    foreach (Excel.Range the_row in merged_range.MergeArea.Rows)
        // we need only top-left cell
        var first_cell = the_row.Cells[1];
        var dicHeights = new Dictionary<string, double>
            ["height"] = first_cell.RowHeight,
            ["percent"] = 0d
        dicCells[first_cell.Address[0, 0]] = dicHeights;

    // total height of all rows
    foreach (string addr in dicCells.Keys)
        dOldHeight += dicCells[addr]["height"];

    // update the percentage of every row
    foreach (string addr in dicCells.Keys)
        dicCells[addr]["percent"] = dicCells[addr]["height"] / dOldHeight;

    // unmerge range and autofit

    // remember new height
    dNewHeight = merged_range.RowHeight;

    // this applies percentage of previous row's height to new height
    var sheet = merged_range.Parent;
    foreach (string addr in dicCells.Keys)
        sheet.Range[addr].EntireRow.RowHeight = dicCells[addr]["percent"] * dNewHeight;

    // merge back
